relationship probs

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  Picking up the kids from the floor, I led them to their room. Seeing that I was a bit angry at the fact that Joel got an attitude with me I took a long relaxing shower to calm my nerves.

  When I got out the shower I drapped my body in my a white fluffy towel that had our lastname on it. My hair was starting to curl and poof out since I wasn't planning on using a diffuser or holding products.

Joel walked in with sadness in his eyes while striding towards me. With his muscles bulging underneath his t-shirt.

As he tried to put his arms around me I slid to the side to distance myself from him. I saw the hurt in his eyes but , I was so upset about him not telling me what was going on and his weird behaviour.

Do you love me ? he asked.

Of course I do Joel, but when your ex shows up at our door step I- I just ugh. Huffing from my frustration i leaned my head down in my hands and my hair pillowed my face.

Baby I didn't know she would come here! If anything I would have told you because we have been through so much just please hear me out love,please? He pleaded with agony in his eyes as if my answer determined his life.

  Joel's Pov

  Kiara, she means nothing to me and you know that. Baby the only thing that matters to me are you and our children,I will do everthing to protect from her and anyone else that threatens out relation.

I could tell she was listening because she was becoming very frustrated and her body looked weary.

She put her hands  on my face and kissed me with tears in her eyes. She left me very consfused as she walked away to the bathroom cabinet and pulled out a stick looking thing.

As my body began to crumple to the floor she came back with a pregnancy test showng positive.

Joel, I can't stay here if your ex is going to show up at our door step everyday or month. I won't put myself or my baby in danger for anyone including Gabriel and Ester. I was going to tell you today since everything was going so well but...

I stood up and grabbed her waist and I looked straight in her eyes.Don't leave me baby girl please.You and our children are the only thing I have please I need you I- I just... as i began to cry she shushed me and walked us into our room and layed my on her chest.

She began to speak to me and I began to cry.

Joel.. I am in a very weak state right now and stress isn't good for me right now. I think we need time apart to think.


Honey please stop yelling you will wake up the children. I was thinking maybe a week to fully register that I am pregnant and so you can handle your problem.

Kia , I can't live without my family you are my woman my everything.

With that she kissed my lips and told me,"tomorrow I will pack the kids clothing and we will stay with my parents."


Synthia's pov

That black bitch think she has him ! ha she can't even stay alive.

She thinks she's living the life I can't wait till i fuck her husband to death and call his children mine the black rats,

I will make him mine, I will have the money, the cars, hell i might sell the kids for my drug lord.

HAha, wiping the cocaine away from my nose I picked up a picture of me and Joel and tossed it across them room hearing nothing but glass falling from the perfect frame.

He might have been a kid when we met but damn he was a good fuck. I let the fucker cum in my pu** but hey ,he deserved it

I can't believe he left me in the first place. Just because i fucked another guy in his house doesn't mean he had to kick me to the curve and start dating monkeys. He knows he licks oops like this white cunt.

ahaha wow, i'm so high. Sticking my fingers down my heated area i started to finger her imagining Joel kick out Kiara and those rats and him laughing in her face.

All of it made me reach my climax hm, talk about satisfaction.



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