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Joels pov

   My children are gone and my wife just because of a troubled past! Cradled on the ground, my body was like a new born baby; fragile. My heart was breaking and my family can only heal it.

    I pulled out my phone and called the sherif to put a restraing order on my ex. After, I got off the phone and stared at Kiaras' number and I held my phone near my chest. I showered and put on whatever I could find.. this was the fith day of not having my wife to hold with our growing child or my two beautiful children to be by my side. I got in my mustang and plugged in my ear phones listening to Chris Medina , as I drove to Kekes' mothers. IF Kia only knew how much   I  was pissed with Synthia,  She would be in my arms and...

   I sped up my car and focused on the guy that was holding my wifes hand playing with MYchildren!! I jumped out the car and sped towards them while Kiara looked up in total shock as she tried shooing the kids in the house. But of course my babies ran to me, even though I am totally angry I put on my fatherly smile and attitude and hugged both my kids and kissed them on the forehead and making them go in the house only to have Gabriel to let a tear fall down his face.  I reached for his face and brushed the tear away with my finger and whispered in his ear , that daddy loves him and me and mommy will always be together and he smiled a bit and ran in house while saying that he loved me. Kiara came over to me carrying her belly with question in her eyes. The guy was behind her like some kind of bodygaurd and to say i didn't like it wasn't even close. I looked down at her and I said ,"Who are you ?" Kiara said hun.. No Kiara i'm not talking to you i'm talking to him.

Jason said, "Dude look I invited by her mom to help her  up you know be happy. Besides man you two are suppose to be broken up anyways its not like u could have gave her wat she wanted ur almost 30 or simething shes young she needs a man like me  to raise her kids , someone who will be alive wen they make it to sixth grade. "

Kiara stood there wide eyed n her mouth was open. I moved around her and I punched him in the face an  blocked every punch he attempted to make an all I remember was seeing blood..

Kiaras' pov

      Omg,  no the hell this lil boy didn't just say my baby was old an im pretty sure my husband was doing his job heck im pregnant again.. looking like a fat hog with overflowing breasts right now.  All I saw was Joel moving n I looked back and all I saw was Joel beating the living shit out of Jason.  The neighbors started to come out and I ran ok more like wobbled but I got it done ok. I told them they were practicing for the tournament and they just smiled an said oh, abd went inside again. As I was walking back I was trying to think of wat to do I couldn't get in between the fight because then I  would be jeopardizing the baby's life.  I blinked out for may be two minutes because I couldnt remember why I was standing there,  so I ran to get the water hose and I sprayed it on Joel then Jason an tugged Joel away.

     Baby what the hell is wrong with you !! Joel pushed his hair back and looked in my eyes pissed  and to say it was a turn on.. ugh ok snap out of it just because your pregnant doesnt mean you have to be sexual Kiara get it together.  Joel you could have hurt him; do you want to hurt him over something stupid? What if he pressed charges baby ?

     Kiara, right now  to be honest I could kill him and Synthia because I love you so much and our family. If your sick I try to make you feel better , tired i try to soothe you to sleep, your horny I make you scream my name, if you want me I give you every single part of me. You leave me again my heart can't take it because ur taking away our family not mine or yours but our . Your family is always in our business but they can't fix theirs all I want is for ud to be safe and for us to be happy baby girl . As I stepped closer she moved back which hurt like hell and made my eyes tear up but I continued to walk closer and talk. You are my light that brings me out of the dark , you baby made me realize what love was and I can't tell you how beautiful you are in every single way and not to be able to hold you is like a pain in my chest knowing everyine else except me can hold My Wife close. I got down on one knee and said,"baby please I love you so help me God, if someone tried to hurt you, you know baby I will be there you are my heart.. you walk away from me I. Am.nothing without you an our children.

She grabbed my hands ushering me up and kissed me deeply. Joel.. I love you baby so much but im scared I'm so scared. I. I Joel

     Kiara please! Don't do this to us baby please I'm begging you baby please!! I was hugging her very tight but not that tight because of .. our baby.  Please stay with me if she comes near our children I will kill her baby .

Joel , maybe we need a break until the baby is born an..

Dammit Kiara!! I dont want a fucking break between us ! Need you not a fucking break do you not know how much I love and how much I will fucking give up for you ?! No apparently you don't I will give up my life for you ! Do u know that I will fight for you until my heart stops beating I will never let you go.

    Kiara was started to look really pale for her bright brown skin and sge started shaking before I could ask her what was wrong she fainted.

20 minutes later( hospital )

Mr. Rezel you can come back to see your wife , Dr. Jenner said.

     As I was ushered in the room Kia was up but barely. I walked over to her side and grabbed her small hands an she stirred to make sure I knew she was awake. She struggled a little with hurting and shushed her from talking and kissed her hands. The doctor cam back and said its was a goid thing she wasn't sick because stress and her anemia would hsve caused something with the baby.

Maybe Mr. Rezel you and Mrs. Rezel should take a break , I looked up at him and said , funny because thats what she wanted . Maybe its for the best, said Jenner. Um, yea you can call her mother right? Um tell my kids I love them an d that mommy and daddy are having grown up problems and daddy has to stay away from mommy so she can get better. Can you .. just tell my kids I love them.  Yes Mr. Rezel.

   Kiara tried to grip my hand but was to weak an instead lightly stroked her finger slightly up and down my palm and I kissed her and told her that I was sorry and I got up to leave until she croaked out a no and tried to reach for me. I went back and waited to see if she wanted me to stay an to save her from talking I asked if she wanted to to stay or no and if yes I can kiss her and no to grib the sheets lightly she didn't do anything so I kissed her.

I love you Kiara.

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