Chp 4

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 When my teacher said pop quiz my heart went from steady to outrages heart beats , how could this women be serious we haven't even gone through this material she is full of crap I mean what the heck Is she smoking I'm so scared my hands were sweating but when she told it us it was 17 problems I relaxed but she had to keep talking we had 9 min to complete them all I wanted get up and  slap the ho* come on now man this is bulllll. Before I went on I prayed an looked at the problem it was no joke y=x2-4x+3 I thought about it and I remembered my tutor showed me how to work the problem and check it I was at ease and finished just in time when the teacher looked at my work she stiffened and rolled her eyes and she saw everyone Else's work and she said this now counts as a test grade thanks to Kiaras' cheating on the test everyone. I was bewildered of why she would say such a thing and everyone knew I wouldn't cheat and they just stared at the teacher like she was stupid . Then she told me I made a zero and that would bring my grade down to a 80 or 79 I told her that's ok because u will be seeing my mother u wicked snake .   When I got home I ran in the house and slammed the door and my mother looked at me like I lost my mom she was dressed in pink scrubs she just came from work apparently she works at a dentist office and soon as my mom was about to raise her voice I told her about the test and she raised the holy ghost and with that I was scared for my math teacher . When my dad got home from his engineering I hugged him and he kissed my forehead and he sat down on my bed and said ," Kiara honey I know people in you life are going to make it difficult for you especially when you try hard and you are a good student , just remember you can do anything u set your mind to . " with that he kissed me on my cheek and left .   When my dad left I lay in bed with my legs  crossed and I started on my homework and before I could finish the last one . my baby called

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