Ready ?

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Dressing to go to the grocery store I choose to wear a green sweater that fit tight but not so much and I paired it with  khaki pants that made my butt look rounder.

I chose to wear my  hair down since I straightened it  .

Picking up my keys from the counter, to my Mustang. I notice two figures by the entrance of my room.Just when I was going to turn around one of the figures jumped on my back .Coming to my senses I knew it could only be Mariah and Miyah.

Since they noticed the keys in my hand they took it as I was going somewhere. So they asked me if they could go and of course like the nice cousin I am I said yes.

As I was heading out the door I heard my mom yell my name.

  Kiara an her mom convo


KIARA:Mom come on im right here.

Well you better act like you have since .

What ! Ma I m right here waiting for you to ask me something because I have so much to do an I have to finish my wedding vows . So just mom what do you need mommmy?

Well Kia I well Elsi and I were thinking about planning your wedding? I mean we were thinking about getting an ice sculpture but Mrs.Rezel was against it because she said it was a bit much .

Well mom I was actually thinking about getting a wedding but you and Joels' mom can help and make suggestions

about what I need in the wedding.

Well kia honey I was thinking since you like  orange we can have the brides maid and the juniors wearing th...

Wow ok lol mom thats what I was thinking.Well i'll leave you to it

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