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HEy guys this chp was a bit sad to write because I had my aunt in mind while writing this part , but PLS VOTE ,FOLLOW.AND COMMENT !!!!LOVE YOU GUYS ,YOU ALL LET ME REACH SO MANY GOALS AND im soo freaking happy because I have 2.9 reads now so THANKS GUYS

As Joel ran to brush his teeth I rushed to get in the shower and I then put my hair in a very messy bun.Wobbling to the dresser ,Joel shouted my name telling me to look on the bed and stop rushing myself.

Finding my way to our bed I picked up grey sweat pants and a grey boyfriend shirt with pink and grey Nike shoes.I added a bit of lip gloss and I began to walk down the stairs to find Joel packing snacks for us mostly me,containing three bottles of water ,grapes,strawberries,and watermelon.Going into the kitchen all the way I slowly walk up to my hubby and lay my head on his chest with my arms wrapped around his waist while his snaked around mine as well, I let out loud sigh as I pulled away and he kissed on my forhead telling me to stop stressing it's not good for the babies or you lovey.

Resting my head on the window shield I feel my babies kicking frantically, making me rest my hand gently over my stomach i noticed one of the little criters didnt stop but when I looked in pain at Joel reached over and rubbed my stomach while whispering sweet things.

30 min later

 Heading into the hospitals double doors we held hands as we entered the waiting room.

Everyones eyes immediately fell to us and my growing stomach.The first to speak up was my moms' sister and her mother saying,"Hey Kiara.. " they both said in unison.

Just when I was about to speak someone in the family said," Look at the fake slut just look at her!she's nothing more than that and prob less. .killed that poor black boy to get with that ugly white trash,I nah told y'all she was no good to dis family y'all gone learn one day hmph.. besides those babies probably dat boys babies ain't they girl?"

Joel:"You dare you say that about my wife!"

Kiara:"Joel,baby calm down ok can everyone please calm down. .."

As the red headed petite woman came in the room she wore a sad expression asking who the Brown family was.

When everyone stood up if not already, answered in unison we are.

The nurse responded with a faint smile that wavered ; only four people are allowed to go back and she specifically wanted to see um.. Kiara um Rezel and Tay?

Answering her with a raise of the hand and Tay walking into the room with his arms crossed and a grave expression with glossy eyes.

My hand in Tays as we are followed by my mom and her mother ,we walk into the hospital room and we quietly walk in and I stay by the door while everyone rushes to the bed and tears flowing from their eyes as she croaked out each precious word.

After she was done they started to depart and walk out the room before I could get out the room my great grandmother asked for me to stay behind with a weak motion of her hands she gestured for me to come closer.

Grandma:" What a beautiful young woman you have become, you were always a bright girl.."

Kiara: "Thank you nana.."

Grandma:" My sweet baby girl.. Don't ever let anyone tell you , you are less because you are Gods child and you make your own future. Just because I leave today doesn't mean I wont be forever in your heart darling."

As she placed her hand on my face I captured her frail hands in mine as she rubbed my tear away from my glossy eyes. I bent down to give her a kiss and she whispered to me saying," You are an angel sent from heaven , you are stronger than you think my dear.. but remember this I'm going to be in a better place don't worry about me ...

With her dropping breath I held on to her hand as nurses rushed around me and Joel carrying me away from my grandma.. my sweet nana, I listened to her take her last breath, her last touch, and her last kiss. I yearned for her touch just one more time I just wanted o- one more time..

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