happy day i hope. ..

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I took a long hot shower and I bathed with my body wash it smelled of cocanut and i bathed slowly lettting the soap run down my body a

nd slowly snake down my body. When I got out of the shower my body had water droplets on my body and i reached for my towel and i dried off quickly and i retreated to my room to put on my clothes I chose a soft pink bra that had lace around the bra it made a flower pattern also i chose matching panties to add to my softness I added my warm and cozy lotion to my skin and put on my orange hollister shirt and denim shorts and i put on orange socks.

After my relaxing shower and clothing myself I headed down stairs and found Joel eating a green apple staring at his phone waiting from a call from his mother i guess or his friend. I decided to sneak up on him and scare him so i turned off the kitchen light and I ran in the hallway behind the door i could have peed in my pants from laughing so hard he said WTH and he walked out the kitchen slowly and turned on his flash light on his phone and i thought that was ridiculous considering it was still light outside, but lol then i thought about it he can't see that good without his contacts haha! !

I was getting very impatient waiting behind the door so I was moving slowly from behind the door when I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and the other hand held my hands together behind my back i stsrted freaking out and was thinking about how young I was and i knew i should have gotten married earlier. .. And then Joel turned me around and talk about being mad I slapped him in his face so hard but he didnt seem to even flinch one bit. When i relized what I did my eyes bulged an my eyebrows raised in alarm and i ran over to Joel and whispered im sorry n kissed his red cheek. He said that it was no problem and he shouldn't have scared me. We left to go to Saraland to go to the frozen yogurt place it took us maybe 30 or 25 min to get there but we had to wait in this long line , I was hoping maybe we could have a good day because everything was right nothing could go wrong .. I breathed out a long breath and turned to face my baby and stood on my tip toes to kiss him I put my tiny hands on is strong face and leaned in for a deep passionate kiss but what I got was more than passionate idk it was .... like a kiss that should emotion yea that's right he put his all in the kiss and it left me out of words .  When we broke apart we were getting stares from a lot of people but the most interesting person well people were these two kids they looked at us and were whispering and smiling and I couldn't help but giggle and before I could tell Joel what happened the two kids boy and girl came up to us and said that was weird and the little boy said miss .. I like u and I think ur very pretty can I take a picture with u ? oh why not wats ur name honey ? He had the cutest little name and everything lol our day was going sooo good I couldn't believe it

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