2 More Days

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Kiara pov

  Wrapping a long, orange, and puffy towel around myself I start to think about the wedding as I turned on the faucet.Finiwhing brushingbmy teeth and my facial treatment.I put my mid back hair into a messy bun I was deciding wether to cut it, but I was going to wait maybe if we have kids.

Dressing in a simple dress that came to my ankles. It was a flowing kind of dress a few big roses decorating the front and back only to add smaller pink roses ,with stripes from my top to the bottom.I decided not to wear make up but a brownish color on my lips it was actually goldish lip gloss.

I chose black sandles to go with my dress. Also to finish my final touches i added pearl earrings in my first hole and my second hole had a small shinning stud.

Walking into an empty  kitchen I forget everyone left , considering Joel was at work and everything.I walked out to meet my wedding planner and lets just say everything is fantastic.When I reached my destination I saw my mom an my babies mom .When I hugged them all they smiled and asked if I was ready.We were going to get my wedding dress today so I was beyond scared. The woman asked if we needed help my wedding planner said no and out of nowhere three girls came out. She orderd them to pick a white dress that fits her body not to tight and not to loose.Also make sure she trys on her older dress , Now Go Ladies !!!

After trying on dress after dress I was tired, and my feet were hurting so much. The last dress looked so much better than my original but way similar only this dress clinged a little more and made me look like a woman , knocking me out of my trance Mrs.Rezel said,"Yes finally I get grandchildren !

Not heading to my house ,but my moms' In the states and Joel was in the car with me heading to the airport I became nervous.Reaching our flight we were there in maybe 7 hours? I honestly dont know because I slept through the whole thing .When we woke we were there and my parents were waiting on us.

We reached their house and we were seperated as soon as we got there he was in the house down the street and we had 5 hours to sleep then it was game time I was so scared.Before I could get worked up again my mom came in and slept with me until 2 o'clock. We showered and ate breakfast , I had 3 pancakes and a glass of milk.I brushed my teeth and brought my make up bag , dress, and luggage downstairs I could hear the guys in the man cave my dad has. All the girls were here and I was so excited they had no idea.my mom did my hair and my mom in law did my make up. My friends helped me put on my dress and everyone was getting nervous an scared before they could cry the photographer came in and said ,"Oh wow all of you look outstand ,and you madam pointing at me saying you are one beautiful bride."

Joels' pov

  Standing by the preacher I wore my black tux, with my orange vest.I was so thrilled to marry her I was beyond excited I had my vows ready and I couldn't wait to show more love to her. The trees they imported were great because it made it look I guess like a fairy tale , the chairs were decorated with orange covering with a white ribbon in the back of the chairs. The bridesmaid were pretty the wore some kind of no strap orange dress that was sexy but classy you know ? We had a candle with orange ribbon around it.Flowers that were orange , yellow,and red decorated chairs on the side and vases inside the house and since the girls prob wanted something more they used the wall of the windows for a huge  curtain that hung an twisted from the sides. Two humongous vases sat by the entrance where the curtain was stood white flowers , there were also ....

Kekes cousin Jalien


Everyone stood up and I couldn't wait to see my bride , my wife.

The flower girl was Mariah, she threw orange petals as a beautful woman walked behind her there were also the ring bearer he walked with riri as well .

Kiaras' father looked so proud and happy with his baby girl by his side people took pictures making her look at her dad. They stopped at one chair and smiled next few rows they did the same tgen the last row was unexpected lol she turned from me an slipped her veil up a bit and did the peace sign leaning on her dad with his arms out like waz up homes? lmao

When they were done he walked down the aisle, shook my hand and kissed his daughters cheek .

  The preacher said are you both, here today to accept this marriage?

Passing her bouquet to her bridesmaid. She turned around to face me and at the same time we said yes. While I tooktook her veil from her face.

Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining of Kiara  and Joel in marriage. With love and commitment, and trust, they have come to live their lives together as husband and wife."

Song of Solomon 8:6 Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. (NIV)

  Wow i'm getting scared wow ok breath man .

Preacher : Do you Joel Rezel take Kiara Johnson to be you lawfully wedded wife?

Joel: I do , take kiara johnson as my lawful wedded wife.

kiara:I do , take joel rezel as my lawful wedded husband.

  Pastor : They have their vows to share.

Joel : You are my light, you showed me to trust and love so much. You showed me that defining my religion will help me propser and love you more.You are my own personal angel ! God sent down to me , and for me to care for.

Kiara : Joel I just want to let you know how much I love you and care . I love the way you make laugh and smile when I'm down, the laugh I get to hear everyday , and your arms wrapped tightly around me just reminds me everyday of how loved I am and how in love I am with you. You are my first love and my only love , baby you are my light , you shine through the darkest places in my life and you show me everyday just like the days it comes and goes and it can only get better or stay the same.Joel you have shown me how to  have patience ,  and how to love again and truly . Joel I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you baby I love you.

  Pastor: The rings please?

Bigman... Kiaras baby cousin,

Bigman:whispers, here you go...

Joel:lol thanks man, and i turn around and pick up kias left hand and I say to her as I slip on her ring.  This ring is a reminder of how much I love and cherish your love.

   Preacher : You may now kiss your bride.

  As I got to grab her waist she burst in happy tears and I kissed her so deeply with her in my arms

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