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Sorry for the short chapter but more is deff coming I love u guys comment please I will reply to all of them .Also vote and follow thank u so much

Kiara pov

  After the long reception and dancing with my dad ;oh my it was gorgeous and it was the most happiest day of my life.When I got out of my dress and cleansed my face I took on jogging pants and sweatshirt and undid my bun and brusyed it out .  It now had waves in it from the bun, I sat there staring at my ring thinking about how beautiful it was. I marvelled over the ring so long I forgot about the time as I was about to get up Joel came in and kissed me with his tongue and it was weird i was getting wet...

He picked  me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist and my hands were behind his head. Moaning a little from him touching me and my body started to shiver ... he moved away and took my hand in his hand and stood real close to me and whispered by my lips letting his breath tickle my lips. He said , Kiara Rezel I love you and tonight i'm going to make you fully a women ... and bare my children , "my breath caught in my throat an I could have hit the floor and would probably be like o-o-k...

Not to mention that , that's what I said.

When finally reached downstairs we went back to Germany to our home I thought I was kinda upset . I kept asking why , but all I got was baby relax, honey please im trying to get to the air port, or Kiara Angel we arecalmost in Germany few more hours and we will be there . So I stopped asking and went to sleep on the plane when I woke Joel was shaking me a little. When we got off the planecwe were in a another place in germany it looked so ... HUGE AND BIG AND OMG IT'S A MOTHER FRUIT CASTLE !!

  When I was done gawking at the castle he took my hand and was leading me inside since the people were taking suit cases inside . I wondered where he got the money so I asked , an he smiked an just picked me up and carried me to our room.After entering I became nervous wn he noticed an said,"baby , relax go freshen up ok and ill be waiting." I hurried to the bathroom an wondered why he didn't take on with me there was two bathrooms. So I grabbed my luggage and turned on the shower and stripped down until I was naked .

I let he water hit againt my excited and tired body . As I stood there letting my coconut suave body wash , wash off of my body I get nervous of how this is going to go.

After undoing my hair from a bun when I got in the shower it was again nk wavey and a little curly. I dried off and brushed my teeth .I slipped on my Landrieu thinking I had something else , all the while cursing my mom and joels mom.I walked out of the room to find Joel wet from his shower and he walked over to me in all his glory.

Relaxing when I remember this is the man of my dreams and my husband . He rubs his warm hands against my soft brown skin , and cups my face and said, "I've been waiting to show you more of my love for you for so long.I kissed him slowly while wrapping my arms around his head.His hands slowly but gently undresses me , he looks me over an feels my shoulders , down to my breasts to my woman area.

He picked me up an carried me to the golden covered bed and said, "relax and just concentrate on me." I answered with a shake of my head.I was covered with kisses from head to toe. I never knew he was sooo... big and as I let out a cry my eyes stung with tears an he stopped and kissed my tears and whispered sweet things .

After waking up I was so , in love and happy .I found Joel still sound asleep next to me, so I got up and found a robe and went straight to the bathroom an brushed my teeth while checking my massages.  I had 13 missed calls and 14 unread messages as I was getting in the shower I decided to wash my hair so it took me longer in the shower.When I was about to start washing Joel stepped in an of course said ,"morning angel."

I dont know if it was just because of my first time but I was in the mood , lets just say the shower was very long.

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