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Kiara POV

In my head I was calm but my actions were so different, I ended up hitting Joel in his face and calling him and asshole and what not and I was calmed down by my parents while Joel clenched and unclenched his jaw like the s*** didn't hurt.

"How the fuck could you sleep with her especially that piece of trash?!?!?!"

"Kiara I didn't sleep with that girl why the freak would I sleep with a girl like that when I have a damn goddess in front of me having my children ?" Trying to keep my composure and talk with as much calmness in my voice, I wanted to get in her face and demand to be respected.

"Joel get out my house ok just leave me and my babies will do perfectly fine without your cheating butt." shouting in his face.

My parents looked shocked and my father was about to say something but before he could my mom said well I knew she acted like me but dang she has me full blooded when she mad.

As my parents left I looked at Joel as if he were crazy," Did I not ask you to leave ?" raising my eyebrow and crossing my arms while rolling my eyes.

Thinking to myself I thought why the freak am I yelling at him he probably did nothing wrong and I wont even let him speak to me .. I blame hormones.

"Kiara baby pl-.."

"No get out Joel now .."

As Joel neared me he had hurt ,anger ,and lust of all things in his eyes and as I was about to push him away but he told me no and I was going to listen to him one way or another and he has to get me tamed again.

Shuddering at his gentle but dominate touch I watched as I was being pushed gently against a wall.

Joel's Pov SEXUAL CONTENT BEWARE* its not that bad*

I was going to have to tell her that I didn't do anything but she wouldn't let me say a word. So to make her listen daddy has to tame that p**** again.

Walking up to her she backed away and I got closer leading to her to hit the wall.

" Baby please listen to me please ?" while I said this my eyes looked so pleading and I was on the verge of tears thinking about her hitting me and accusing me of cheating but I held that all that in and I was going to be dominate right now tonight .

She shook her cute brown face , those beautiful dark piercing eyes melted me and looked as if they were looking through my soul.

"Baby I love you to damn much to cheat on you all  I did baby was stay in this house thinking about you and our babies ! I never would hurt you like that and for you to accuse me angel hurt me and justich liebe dich so sehr, kiara würde ich nie verletzen will ich unsere Kinder und Frau, um eine Figur Mann in ihrem Leben haben, und ich will, dass der Mensch noch warden." (i love you kiara so much i would never hurt you i want our babies and wife to have a man figure in their lives and i want to be that man still.)

"Um , baby your speaking in German.. although it sounds sexy and very dominate imma need you to switch back to English."

Smiling, as I looked at her and she smiled back and I nodded my head and when I started speaking I realized I was now speaking in Jewish when she laughed and bent down and kissed her small petite body.

Grabbing her bridal style to the bedroom, I sat her gently but roughly on the bed. I ripped her maternity dress away and she gasped causing my manhood to harden.

I then thought about seeing her so frail and helpless as that bast** almost raped my wife.

I didn't notice I was zoned out before so when I heard Kiara screaming I thought something was wrong but she was wrapped in the sheets a little she looked so cute and I didn't want to ruin our first time having sex while she was pregnant and since she got back but before I could continue she started crying.

Rushing to where I kinda threw her she bawled her eyes out until I reached her and she just rolled over gently not hurting the babies.

" Baby whats wrong , baby your scaring me tell me what's wrong ?"

"y-you don't w-want me anymore..."She hiccupped after each word and I felt so bad I went and whipped her tears away with my thumb and turned her around to face me and kissed her tears that still remained and kissed her eye lids then kissing her sweat plump lips wanting entrance she slowly gave in to me and kissed me back after a few seconds.

"Baby I will always want you ." and with that I went to her wet temple and placed kisses up and down her womanhood and hearing her moan made me harden again and my penis was beginning to hurt .. since we haven't in a while.

After I licked her pu*** and let my tongue go inside of her and fingered her warm kingdom I stuck my hard co** inside of her slowly and bent down to kiss her and she had her eyes shut I wanted them open so I shoved all the way in careful but just a little force.

While I did that her eyes opened wide and she clenched her legs against me and I kissed her and told her to relax like it was our first time.

Remembering our first time my cock hardened even more and I knew I was dripping with pre cum, Instead of getting dominate I wanted tonight to be sweet and soft I pushed in and out of her wet core until I started to speed up a little and push a tad bit deeper causing her to moan out loud and digging her nails in my back I grunted and moved my hips even faster and she matched my rhythm and and I felt her walls tighten around my c*** and I knew I was going to cum since she squirted 6 times already I hit her g spot one more time and with that I cam inside of her and she squirted on my cock and she cried out in pain and pleasure from her pussy clenching and squirting on me.

After our little fest we washed off and headed to bed and we slept that night so close and I didn't want to let her go and just as I was about to close my eyes my hands were on her stomach and I felt kicks and as I was about to scream she said," WHAT IN THE LIVING um WTFFFF?" Laughing at her choice of words she gasped when there were numerous kicks to her stomach and I felt her say ok now that's enough you two and as if right on cue they stopped but they only kicked softer.

As I heard her groan I kissed her stomach and said ,"hey kleinen Jungs! Ihre verletzen mommie ein wenig, aber Papa liebt deine kleine Tritte .. aber mommie braucht Schlaf"(hey little guys ! your hurting mommie a little , but daddy loves your little kicks .. but mommie needs sleep )

After hearing my voice they stopped and Kiara was out like a light after that.


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