Damsels They Think We Are

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He stares into my eyes, conveying how much he means his words. Once he sees the defeat take over my face, he kisses my forehead and walks away from me. I stand there a moment just watching his back as he takes more and more steps distancing himself away from me.

I want to run to him, to pull him to face me and yell at him. Tell him I cannot do this without him. That my baby, our baby deserves its father. My hand rubs above my stomach where I just learned moments ago that our little pup is growing inside of me. I look down where my hand rests along my body, holding back the tears that want to fall.

"Liz," I hear Ellie scream my name bringing me out of my thoughts and into the now. Looking around the room I see her standing a few feet in front of me, tears are pouring down her face. There is only her and I standing there off to the side, In our protective shield that at some point had gone up without me noticing. "We need to get out of here. I have to help Kayden." She is trying with no prevail to break free from inside our little bubble.

Shaking my head I remember about he necklace that Joshua had placed along my neck. Bringing my hands to my neck I feel nothing there. My brows furrow with confusion. Where could it have gone? Looking at Ellie I see she has no necklace along her neck either. Walking forward I touch the white wall in front of me, showing that we have a shield around us. Since I can still see what is going on outside, I watch as the blood and carnage of the fight has already begun.

There are bodies in every direction as I look around. Other than our family, I cannot tell which of the people are on our side and which are the enemy. Crimson red covers the floor, as there are bodies piling along there. My hand lifts to my mouth to cover it, as I take some deep breaths through my nose. Trying not to get sick although my stomach is feeling quite queasy.

The shine of a chain catches my eye, I glare at the one holding both necklaces in his hand. "Martin, you son of a bitch let us out of here now!" Cassie yells from behind me. I hadn't even noticed she was in here with us. He only shakes his head, staring at me. A look of impatience taking up his face. That is when it hits me, he's supposed to make sure I open a portal and get us women out of here.

Someone grabs ahold of my leg causing me to scream and gather the attention of those close by. Looking down I see my sister laying there looking up at me, a very displeased look upon her face. Somehow, all our men have placed us here inside of this shield that impenetrable. To be sure we get out of here safely.

"We cannot leave." My sister whispers loud enough for me to hear. For once I agree with her. They may want to protect us, but there is no way any of us are leaving without the men we love. Martin must see the look of determination in my eyes when I look back at him. His eyebrows lift so high up, I lose sight of them in his hair.

"Martin, look..." before Cassie can finish her warning his hand pulls out to the side as he grabs the man that was charging at him from behind by the neck. He slams him to the ground and stomps his foot on his head. Breaking his neck with little effort. The sound of his bones breaking causing a cold chill to make its way up my spine.

We all watch as he looks down at the now dead man laying on the ground, and spits right on his face. When he looks back up his eyes are no longer the normal color, no they are nothing but red. He lets loose a growl so loud we all must cover our ears. "Get the fuck out of here now!" He hollers at us, as he nods his chin at me.

I don't want to do it, but I turn away from him. Closing my eyes, I focus all my attention on opening a portal. "No, Liz what are you doing?" Ellie grabs ahold of my arm pulling me to her. Causing my eyes to pop open and breaking my concentration. "They are right we need to open a portal and go."

She steps back away from me, looking stunned. She cannot believe the words that are coming out of my mouth. "I am going nowhere." Her eyes are turning entirely black, showing her true emotions in this moment. "I must make sure this ends here and now, or they will come back for me and my baby. I won't allow that to happen." She covers her face with her hands trying to calm herself.

When she looks back up at me, her eyes are back to normal. Only tears are building up inside of them, waiting to fall. "Kayden needs my help. I would break out of this if I could. We all could but this is one thing I cannot do even with all my training." She looks back at Martin who is fighting two men at once, our necklaces around his own neck.

"It's old magic that is why you cannot do anything with this." We turn towards Cassie, giving her our full attention. "It's a very powerful spell only those that have pure witch blood from the oldest families can do this spell and they are the only ones that can break it."

Her words ponder in my mind for a moment, until it hits me. What she is exactly saying. "So, even if Ellie and I had our necklaces ourselves, and activated them to block an attack, we wouldn't be able to break it from the start?" She shakes her head in the negative.

"Only the one that did the spell or the person that requested the spell can." My hands tighten into fists. "Those bastards weren't going to let us fight from the start. They were going to have us activate the protective shields and make us either leave by me opening a portal to begin with, or us just look on at the battle as it commences from the sidelines."

I'm more talking to myself, but I cannot believe the audacity of the two of them. How could they? When I look up at her once more, she gives a slight nod, telling me all I need to know. Can't help what happens next, I am so beyond pissed off at Joshua and his brothers that I laugh outright.

So loud that my entire body bends over from the shake of it all. All three women look at me like I have lost my mind. I have, but I will not allow our men to get their way. We are not damsels in distress. We can fight just like them. Straightening my body, I wipe the tears from my eyes. Both from laughing so hard and from feeling sad about our situation.

Looking at Ellie and my sister, they both smirk at me. Knowing just what I am thinking. I am one stubborn woman. Once I set my mind to something I make it happen one way or another. This is no exception. I bend and reach out my hand to my sister. She smiles as she grabs hold and I lift her up. She stands there cracking her neck from side to side. Getting ready for what's to come.

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now