Watch On As He Finishes Him

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I find myself holding my breath as I watch the fight before me. No one else exists at this moment. When another wolf joins in on the fight I take a step in their direction to help. Before I can take another, someone grabs my arm. 

Looking back I see Keith with a worried look on his face. "Let go." He shakes his head no at me, pissing me off. "He needs my help." I know my voice sounds desperate, but that's how I'm feeling in this moment. "He's got it handled." He nods his head in Joshua's direction. 

Turning my head back around I see what he means. I watch as Joshua swings his father in the air and throws him across the room. His body hits the wall before tumbling down back on the floor. 

Within moments where there was a brown wolf with its for covered in blood, now lays a naked man. Laying in a pile of his own blood. As he moans on pain I watch as Joshua spits his father's flesh from his mouth and prowls to where he lays. 

Bowing his head I know he's going on for the kill, but before he can his father laughs. The crazy fool laughs hysterically causing more blood to spill from his mouth. All of us looking on are confused. The man is about to die from the son he has hated all his life and he laughs? 

Where the beautiful grey wolf once stood above his dying father, now stands Joshua. In all his naked glory. His chest is heaving. From the excursion of the fight or from the anger building inside of him from the man laughing I do not know. 

"Care to share what's you find so hilarious?" He snides down at his father as he lays there at his feet. It takes his father a couple tries to speak.

Coughing out the last of the blood from his mouth his voice comes out low, "You think you've won killing me." He doesn't question this because he knows once he's done his son has finally beaten him. 

He watches, his eyes big, as Joshua lifts his foot in the air. Before he stomps down onto his father's head, he cracks a smile to his son and says "good luck you're going to need it." 

I hear what sounds like a horrifying growl come out of Joshua's mouth as he brings his foot down with all his might. Blood and brain matter splatters across the floor as his father's head explodes from the impact. 

Everything is quiet, the only sound I can hear are the people around us breathing heavily. Looking around I see the carnage that is left in the wake of our battle. Martin is holding a passed out Cassie as Keith releases my arm and I watch as my sister runs to his side. She flings her arms around him and he holds her close kissing the top of her head. 

Kaydens is on his knees surrounded by dead bodies. Ellie standing in front of him her chest moving fast with the speed of her breath. From the way her body is placed I can tell she just took down the last of the men that were fighting. She has blood along her face and a cut above her eye. Not for long as I stare at her I see it heal, leaving a line of ref in it's wake. 

Tony is covered in blood, I watch as he spits on his father's corpse before mako ng his way over to our group. There are some still standing around, waiting just like us. Others have opened a portal and leaving this place and all the evil behind. It dawns on me that the others still standing along with us are werewolves. They are part of Joshua's pack, he's their alpha. 

Bringing my full attention back to Joshua I see him walk to where his torn clothing is. He wipes away some of the remnants of blood that is on his body. He turns and his eyes find mine. I see the man standing before me but his beast is not far away. 

Martin throws him a clean shirt and pants from a bag I hadn't seen he brought. I watch as he places the shirt over his head and covers the six lack that drives me crazy with need. Next, he puts one leg and the other in. Jumps into the pants, zips and buttons them.

Without another word he walks to me. Standing in front of me he looks deep into my eyes before they slowly make their way down my body. I know what he wants. I can read it in his face. 

"Lets get the fuck out of here. I need a drink." I hear Tony say in the distance. As we stand there I hear everyone stand and walk to where the portal is. He give me a chaste kiss along my lips before taking my hand with his. He walks me to the portal without saying a word. None of us look back at what is there as we walk through the portal going home. 

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now