On The Other Side

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Within seconds we make it to the other side, when I open my eyes it's nothing but black. Everyone in the room sounds just as confused as me, quietly grumbling about where they are. Making me believe that somehow, I did this wrong. I opened the portal into an abyss, and it's going to take us some time to get back.

Worrying my lip, I grip Joshua's hand feeling like a failure in this moment. The one thing I am usually flawless with, opening portals to where I feel I'm needed the most, or where someone I am looking for is I'm usually great. I make it happen with little to no effort on my part, and I always find my way where I am supposed to be.

I'm about to close my eyes once more and think about our family's manor to get everyone back there, when the room we find ourselves in suddenly has blinding light come upon us. Everyone cries out while protecting their eyes, trying their best to adjust to the sudden change.

Evil cackling comes from somewhere close by. Not being able to open our eyes not a one of us knows who it's coming from or where. I can hear footsteps coming from in front of us, causing some to back up into my body. If it weren't for Joshua, I would have lost my balance and fallen flat on my ass. Luckily, he adjusted quicker than the rest, with his eyesight being so much better than ours, and is now looking at me with danger in his eyes.

He shoves everyone away, as he stands tall, bringing me with him. He has his arms covering me for protection, holding me close to his chest. To calm my racing heart, I stand there and listen to the beat of his. Something tells me, once I step back, we will be face to face with the last of the evil in our world. If I am being honest, I am not ready for that.

Latching onto his shirt, I bury my face deep into his shirt and breath him in. His smell, the scent of woods and leaves, calms me down. Enough so that when I count to three in my head, I turn my head away from his chest and look from beneath his arms. There, looking at me are the two monsters I recognize as Joshua and Tony's fathers. Along with two men on either side of them that I don't recognize.

I can tell the one standing beside Tony's father is a witch. He has the authority and pompous ego of an enormously powerful one at that. Looking to my left I see Cassie glaring at the man. Letting me know there is some sort of history between the two.

"My darling niece." The man shouts making his voice echo across the room. "Welcome home." He smiles at her, that look on his face making my skin crawl. Joshua's arms that are still placed around me tighten along my waist. Looking up at him, I see so many emotions held within his eyes. I know. This is already beginning. Within moments from now there will be carnage. Placing both hands along the side of his head, and without breaking eye contact I bring his lips to mine in a deep kiss.

"This is not my home." She practically growls at the man. Causing me to fall away from Joshua, we look into one another's eyes once more. Giving him a sad smile, I step out from his arms, and we both face the monster's we came hunting for.

"This will always be your home. Make not mistake about that." The man takes one step closer to Cassie. Martin steps in front of her, protecting her with his vampire body. The evil laughter fills the room once more, as the man looks down at the two of them. "Oh yes, the vampire scum." The last word that falls from his mouth is thrown at him with repulsion in the man's voice.

"That's right Clive. She came running to me." He smirks at the Cassie's uncle with so much arrogance. If we weren't in a dangerous situation now, I would laugh aloud. I hold it in, just barely.

"Of course," Clive paces in front of Martin all the while glaring behind him at his niece. "Do you know what your father and mother would say about this? Hmm..." His voice comes out more of a shout than just a question. "My poor sister, may she rest in peace. She is rolling in her grave knowing you are once again bringing shame to this family!" His voice booms across the room, causing the windows to shake.

"The only shame I live with everyday for the last three years is letting the man that I love go!" She steps out from behind Martin and gets right in her uncle's face. "I let the man that is my mate in this world believe that he is nothing to me, and I am powerful enough to have done it. All because of you and father!" She is so distraught with her emotions we can hear the walls in the room cracking and breaking.

Looking at the closest wall to us where we stand, I see it split right down the middle. Causing my eyes to open wide, they practically pop out of my head. The loud intake of breath has my focus returning to where they stand. Martin has taken a step back and is as still as a statue. He is looking between Cassie and her uncle with a mix of confusion and anger held within his eyes.

"He didn't know?" Meant to say the words to myself, but when I hear Joshua's remark that none of them had, I realize I spoke aloud. "How is that possible?" Looking at Joshua out of the corner of my eye, I see him looking at Martin. He shrugs his shoulders as to tell me he has not a clue. When I get the point of, he won't be saying anything more on the subject I face them once more.

"Your mate?" The quiet question being asked from behind her has her pausing where she stands. Her eyes are bugging out of her head, they are so wide with angst. As though she only now realized what she had said and that she had said it aloud. Slowly we all watch as she turns to face the man that she has always loved. The man who has her heart completely.

"As boring as this all is," Tony's father, Bernard speaks from beside Cassie's Uncle. He rolls his eyes, as a small smirk plays along his mouth. His eyes have found what they were looking for, his target. Once he has spoken, I can see Tony walking his way up from the back of our crowd. Once he is right in front of the monster that helped create him, he snaps his neck from one side to the other.

"Son, there you are." The new devil smiles down at his disciple. The look in his eyes brings ice cold fear into my veins. I try with all my might to swallow down my fear, but the feeling of my hands shake let me know I'm failing in my endeavor miserably.

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