Was Always Coming to This

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Once I know that Liz is a safe distance away, I turn away from her and prepare to do what needs to be done. Finding my father through all the bodies within. Some are laying on the floor in pools of their own blood, others are fighting for what they believe in, and there is a small few running through a new open portal someone opened along the back wall.

I don't pay attention to any of that. No, my sights are fully on the man that has all his focus on me. One corner of his mouth lifts with an evil smirk. The one I've seen all my life. Moving forward in his direction, I push all bodies out of the way. Not breaking eye contact I watch as the conceited bastard lifts himself from the wall he was leaning on.

He only stands there, waiting for me to make it to him. Once I am only a couple of feet away from him does he snap his neck. Starting from left to right. His tell-tale sign that he's preparing himself for a fight. "Well son what can I say?" He walks even closer to me until we are mere inches apart. "It was always going to come to this."

I give him my own devilish smirk. "That it was." I watch as the man I have despised my entire life takes a step back, he bows his head at me, never breaking eye contact with me. He was the one that always taught me to never look away from my enemy. Not even for one moment. So of course, he continues to look at me. I see his deep brown eyes turn to yellow, as his face begins to transform into his wolf. I know what he wants, he wants to have our final fight in our wolf forms.

"May the best man win." He whispers before he stands to his full height and his bones begin to break. The process of the transformation used to make me cry out with excruciating pain. Your bones are breaking to transform into the animal that shares our body and mind. I step back and look one last time to my woman.

She looks frustrated standing there in her protective shield. It's for her own good. All their own good. If I or any of my brothers don't make it out of this fight alive at least the women that we love with our entire being will. I hear a loud growl as I turn around to see my fathers big brown wolf standing in front of me. His clothing is torn to pieces, laying all around him.

I don't have time to think of anything else as he jumps into the air. Attacking my arm with his teeth. I fall a step back as I hear his jaw bite down deep into my skin and muscle tissue. "Son of a bitch!" I punch him in the head a few times. Once I break free from his hold, I tear my shirt off my body. Now I am beyond fucking pissed. It's time to make this piece of shit beg for his life.

Before he can come at me again, I feel my bones breaking. The sound of them cracking brings euphoria to my ears. I know once I am in my full wolf form it will be a fair fight. I will even have a little bit of an advantage. I close my eyes letting the burn from the pain work through my body. Once I feel the power has left, and I know my transformation is complete I open my eyes.

To see my father in the air once more. I get prepared for him just in time and turn to the side, latching my teeth into one of his legs as we go rolling across the floor. Once my body has landed from the fall, I shake my head to get the dizziness to go away. Lifting myself up off the ground, I spit out the part of his leg I bit off. Seeing he is still laid out on the ground I waste no time and lunge at him.

I'm not sure which one of us is winning this battle as all I can feel is pain, and all I can see is blood flying everywhere as we roll along the floor. Finally, I get a good hold onto his neck. With all my strength I lift him from the ground, spin in a circle, and launch him at the wall.

He cries out as he flies and hits back first into the wood. I don't give him time to get up, I fly at him, but before I can reach him another wolf has crashed into my body. Causing me to fly in the opposite direction before landing hard on top of the floor. The grey wolf that just attacked me latches onto one of my legs before I can get my bearings.

Luckily, he doesn't get such a good hold on me before I really come to. I kick him away from me and get up on all four legs. Once more he is running at me. I would like to say I'm surprised that my father is having one of his followers doing his dirty work for him, but at this point in my life nothing that man does can shock me. I should have known he would do this. It was never just going to be him and I fighting one another.

With that last thought, I see him standing where I left him. He's got a little bit of glee held in his eyes as he watches the grey wolf charge into my body. This time I'm prepared for the attack. So instead of him moving my ass flying in the air he is only able to slide me a few feet across the floor. As our bodies are moving, I find my patience has worn thin.

Opening my mouth, I latch onto the wolf's neck and clamp down with all my might. The sound of crunching bones and cartilage, helps raise my spirits. Just a little. Once we are finished sliding, I pick the wolf into the air and clamp one more time upon his neck. I can feel his neck break, the last of his breath leaving his now dead body.

Throwing the fur ball to the side, I look at my father. Who now stands there with fury in his eyes? That's right fucker keeps them coming. One way or another I'm taking you down tonight. There is no way I'm allowing you to live a moment longer. I charge in his direction. Leaning my head down, I pick up my speed, and slam right into his body. He goes falling to the floor. His body rolling along, only stopping once it hits a wall.

I don't give him time to get up this time. I latch my jaw onto his back, my mouth full of blood and fur. His head turns to look at me, with worry in his eyes just before I bite down as hard as I can. Causing him to howl out so loud I can hear the walls shake. I throw him away from me, carrying an enormous chunk of his body in my mouth. Spitting it out I turn to face him head on. I see he is once again in his human body, laying naked in a pool of blood.

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now