Marking Bite

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I just needed to get away from all the voices talking at once. My head already hurt from the fight, all of them chatting about what's next is making it worse. So I took Liz by the hand and brought her to our room with me.

Once the door closed I felt a sudden urge to have her. Not knowing why but my wolf feels like he's close by. Right on the surface of making an appearance again. This has never happened before. For some reason I feel as though I can't control him.

I know my eyes flash yellow when Liz looks deep into them and bites her lip. The woman is craving my cock just as much as I am to give it to her. Where the hell is all this crass thinking coming from? Shaking my head I will those thoughts away. Who cares I just need to be inside of her. Mark her as mine for all to see. Forever!

I prowl closer to her as she backs away toward the bed. Just where I need her. Each step I take bringing me closer I can hear her heart beating faster and faster. The smell of her desire is more than I can handle as it makes it's way to my nose.

Within seconds I'm pouncing on top of her as she lands along our bed. Not being able to hold back any longer I rip her clothes apart. Baring her glorious body to my desirable eyes. I lick my lips as I reign in my claws once more.

Bringing one hand to her head I hold her still for the onslaught of my lipa, tongue and teeth. She gives as fiercely as she takes. Her delicate little hands make their way to the bottom of my shirt. She pulls it up and over my head. Breaking our kiss for only a moment, but it feels like a moment too long.

Once she flings the shirt across the room we go back to pawing at one another. Her hands make their way down my chest and to my pants. She pops the bottom loose and unzips them. Not being able to take another moment not being inside of her I stand to my full height and rip them down my legs. The next second, my pants are joining my shirt on the floor across the room.

Looking deep into her eyes I see hers are dilated. She needs this as much as I do. Craves my touch, my taste, and every part of my body along hers. She proves my point when she pulls me back down on top of her gloriously naked body.

I miss her once more before pulling back and looking deep into her eyes. As much as I need to be inside her I always need her to know she is important. "Please." She begs in a breathy voice. Rubbing her center along my hard cock, wetting it with her desire.

Bringing my mouth to hers once more I take one hand and lead myself into her delectable body. She moans inside my mouth as I begin pounding into her. Her nails dig into my back and scratch down along my skin.

My head pops up as I groan out with pleasure. I can feel my wolf on the surface, he's fighting to come out and play. I grind my teeth trying to contain him.

It's not hard enough, I sit up on my knees and swing her body around. Placing her on her stomach. I take two pillows and drag them beneath her hips as I take her hands with mine. Mingling our fingers together I stretch her arms over her head as I enter her body from behind.

The feeling of the serum coding my teeth is the only warning I have that it's time to bite into her flesh. Right in the sweet spot of her neck. Marking her as mine.

"Do it! Do it now!" The last word drags on a moan. Having her permission. I do just that. I take my canines and bite down into her neck. She convulses around me as she screams with both agony and pleasure from my bite. Causing me to convulse inside of her, filling her with my essence.

Once we both come down from our high I place my sweaty head along her back. Listening to our heavy breathing filling the room. "Wow, that was amazing!" She whispers out as her hand touches the mark I left along her neck.

A weird sensation fills my body, making me pull out of her fast and touching the side of my head with both hands. "Baby, what's wrong?" Looking down at her I see she's turned her body to face me, covering her body with the comforter.

There is a worry look in her eyes as her brows furrowed in confusion. She reaches her hand out to me, but before I can say anything my veins feel like they are on fire. I fall to the ground screaming with agony. I've never had this feeling before. What is going on?

The last words my father said to me play on repeat in my head. It comes to me. The man had done something. That thing being magical and I'm suffering the consequences somehow.

"What should I do?" She's jumped off the bed and standing beside me. I can't answer her, my bones are somehow cracking and breaking. I'm turning into my wolf beyond my power? How can this be? I've never been able to not control my wolf.

"Go get Kayden." I would really appreciate all my brothers, but I can only get out one name before the pain rolls through my entire body once more. I watch as she tucks the blanket tighter around her and runs to the door. Tears trailing down her cheeks as she opens the door and flees.

I know deep down what is happening. Somehow my father has had me cursed. If I had to guess it would be from killing him and claiming Liz. Once both came into play it would all begin.

Looking to my hands I see they're changing into my wolf legs and paws. I see lots of fur in my peripheral. This cannot be happening. I don't know how to stop it. That's my last thought before I black out from the agony I feel.

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