Join in on the Fun

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They may have thought they were protecting us, but all they have managed to do is piss all us women off. It's time we show them just what we are made of. Once we are released from this shield we will join in on the fight. Whether the loves of our lives like it or not.

I release my sister's hand and face the wall. Closing my eyes, I say the incantation to open a portal. "Wait, I thought we were staying here?" I hear my sister's trepidation in her voice. "Just wait." I hear Ellie tell her from behind.

Once I have shut out all their voices, I do what I can do the best. I open a portal. A bright light is coming from the wall in front of me, opening what looks to be like a hole within the rock. "What the fuck is that?" A sly smile forms on my lips as I hear someone from outside of the shield yell.

"That's a fucking portal exit. Liz you better not do what I think you are!" Martin hollers at me from outside where he stands. I pay him no mind; I continue until the portal is fully open. Once I feel the power leaving my body, I open my eyes and take a step back. "Ready?"

I turn to face my sisters and Cassie. I watch mesmerized as Cassie pulls out two long swords from behind her back where they were held. She swings them around in a circle before taking a fighting stance. My sister Carla cracks her knuckles, as well as her neck from side to side. Looking at me she gives a slight nod. Ellie says nothing she just smiles at me with appreciation and practically runs towards the portal behind me.

She is the first one out, and my girl wastes no time at all joining in on the fight. Within seconds she runs out, her hands held in front of her with a blue light surrounding them. She yells something I cannot make out, but I watch as the men surrounding her go flying in the air. They hit the opposite wall, falling to the ground. Not even one moves.

Moments later my sister and Cassie are running out behind her. I plan to join them, but right now I still find myself in the protective shield watching as my mouth falls to the floor with how agile Cassie is. She is swinging those swords taking down three men at a time. She doesn't stop to take a single breath. The woman is badass.

I watch on as Martin glares daggers at me before he takes off cursing under his breath. He's using all the vampire power he has as all you can see is a colorful blur just before he stops right behind Cassie. He grabs a man she hadn't seen by his shoulders. He snaps his neck to the side, as his fangs elongate. The next moment he's biting into the man's neck with such ferocity blood is splattering everywhere.

Once he has the man completely drained of all his blood, he throws him to join his other comrades on the ground. Cassie had turned to watch him at some point, as she now has blood along her face. Her chest lifts and falls with each breath she takes. He growls at her before he takes off after more enemies.

She simply wipes the blood along her sleeve and moves to the next target. "Son of a bitch!" Hearing my sisters screech has me coming out of my daze. I look around at all the carnage that is happening, trying to find her. That's when I see her, she's still close by the exit to the portal. She's holding a knife with both hands. I can see she's bleeding profusely.

It doesn't take me long before I find myself running through the portal to the other side. I come barreling out, tackling the man that is on top of her. He falls on his hands and knees, as his sword goes flying in the air. I pay him no mind as I sit beside my sister, checking over her hands. "I'm fine. Don't worry about it." She looks up at me with the same determination I hold within my own.

Within a second her eyes shoot to behind my back and grow the size of saucers. I know what is about to happen before she can make a sound. Somehow, I pull her hand, and we roll to the side, just as I see the end of the sword hit the ground where we once were. The man wastes no time lifting it up and charging at the two of us once more.

My sister doesn't waste anymore time. Holding out her hand she uses the ancient language calling upon the sword to come to her. It disappears from the man's hand and is now in my sisters as she holds it out in front of her. He hadn't realized just what happened until its to late. He runs chest first into the sword, causing a loud crunch to ring out. I cover my ears, so I don't have to hear the sword cutting through his body.

Once I see the end of it is all the way through to the handle, I bring my hands back to my lap. Watching as my sister pushes him away. He falls to the earth, eyes still wide open, with a look of utter shock stuck on his face. I kick him away from us before turning to Carla.

Taking her hands, I look at the wounds that were inflicted on her. Surprisingly, they aren't too deep. "Help me up." Standing, I pull her up beside me. As she tries to walk away, I latch onto her shirt, stopping her movements. She turns her face in my direction. Her eyes go to the offending hand along her arm before making their way to my face. An eyebrow lifts as she looks at me with an annoyed look on her face.

"Let me see them." She shakes her head no. "Carla let me see them now." I make my voice stern, so she knows it wasn't a question. With a huff, she turns to face me, and places her hands on top of my open palms. Closing my eyes, I call upon my powers. It will drain more of my energy, but if she wishes to be of any use, she needs to be healed. I can feel the power run through my body, up my arms and release from my hands. It only takes a little less than a minute, and I know I accomplished what I set out to do.

Opening my eyes, my sister nods her head in thanks. She kisses my cheek and runs off to help Keith who is standing a few feet away fighting four men all on his own. Now that I know she's okay, I turn in every direction looking for Joshua. I need to know he's fairing well. Once my eyes have found him, I pause in my tracks. The world falls quiet, everything freezes as I watch the two wolves tearing into each other on the opposite side of the room. 

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now