Full Moon Curse

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"I think you need to tell us about this curse. Right now!" Kayden's tone says it all. That he isn't playing anymore. I, myself, can't speak at all. I can barely feel at this moment. All I can do is look at the love of my life, my mate, in his wolf form. 

My mate. That's right, he bit me. It's official. My fingers feel the teeth marks left on my neck. I wear them proudly for all to see, and they will forever. The marking bite never goes away. A small smile forms on my lips at the thought.

"Why don't we take this downstairs and allow her to get dressed and to gather her thoughts before I tell you everything." Cassie nods her head in my direction. 

Everyone walks towards the door, with Ellie pausing next to me. "Would you like me to stay with you for these few minutes?" I tell her no with a shake of my head, it's all I can muster at the moment. 

"Okay sweetie, just come down when you're ready." She kisses my cheek. Jayden walks to her side, offering his hand to help her stand up. Her belly has grown significantly, and you can now tell she's pregnant. 

I don't look up, I just listen as the bedroom door opens and they walk out and close it. I find I can't hold it together any longer. The tears I have been fighting are bow pouring down my face. I don't know how to make them stop. 

I feel something furry touch my hand, wiping my eyes the best I can, I look down and see Joshua's beautiful wolf by my legs. He knocks my hand once more with his head. Taking a few deep breaths, I pat his head as he lays on my lap. I know he's comforting me. I appreciate it, but feel horrible. He's the one going through this and I'm breaking down when I should be strong for him. 

Enough of that. I hear his voice in my head. "How?..." He sits up, tucking his tail around him as he looks at me. You're my mate now. So I can communicate with you telepathically. 

A full blown smile grows on my lips, "I can still talk with you." I jump up onto my knees and wrap my arms around his neck. Burying my face in his fur. Yes you can. Now get dressed and we will go down those stairs together and figure this all out. 

Pulling away I wipe away the last of my tears. "Ok. I'll get dressed." I stand and make my way to the dresser. Pulling out a nightgown I fling it over my head. Turning I look at him, and my anxiety is rising again. Biting my lip I look to the door. 

He nudged my hand, gaining my attention once more. We will figure this out. I have you and our pup to take care of. My hand instinctively rubs along my belly. Over the little supernatural we created together. 

Let's go. He nods his head to the door as he stands to his full height. I never really looked at them in this form, but they are huge. At least three times the size of a normal dog. 

Shaking my head, I get out of my thoughts. Standing up I straighten my shoulders and hold my head high. I will be strong during this time. 

Opening the door, we make our way down the hall and to the top of the stairs. I hear hushed voices from the living room below. Once I take the first step down, followed by Joshua they must hear, and all talk stops.

Once we are at the threshold, Ellie comes to stand beside me. Holding my hand she smiles at me, I muster the best one that I can give in return. "They are here. Start talking." I look up at Kaydens demanding voice. 

All three of them, Kayden, Martin and Tony stretch out their legs and fold their arms over their chest. Staring Cassie down like she may be an enemy. She surprises me by not taking it offensively, she simply brushes them off and raises her eyebrow. 

Rolling her eyes, she takes a deep breath, "only the blood of the original family can do a curse such as this." She walks to the couch and sits down. "The Full Moon Curse is something that can happen to werewolves if they kill someone who has made an agreement with a witch that comes from the first bloodline." 

"So, in killing his father He triggered the curse?" Tony asks. She nods her head, "yes but it seems to be more to it. I'm guessing since it didn't take effect until he did the claiming mark on Liz that his father really wanted to stick it to Him in the end." 

Everyone is quiet for a moment. All I can hear is a humorless laugh inside my head. Of course. That's what that asshole meant by his final words. I look at Joshua as he begins pacing. Ask her what this means for me and how we break it. I know he doesn't mean to be demanding with me, but it comes out cold.

"So what does this curse mean for him?" My voice comes out hoarse. Probably from all the crying. All eyes are on me now, but I'm only focusing on two brown ones that look sad. 

She swallows down that sadness, composes herself and says " it means the only time he will be in his human form will be on the nights of the full moon." So for the rest of the time I'm stuck in this form! 

I hear Joshua shout inside of my head before he takes off on a dead run. "Joshua," I go to follow him but someone takes a hold of my arm. Looking up I see Martin, "Give him a little time." With those words, with everything going on I break. I let the tears fall like a waterfall. 

Before I realize what I'm doing I'm screaming out loud, the noise echoing throughout the room. Martin holds me close to his body as Ellie holds my face. Trying to calm me down, but nothing is working. I'm hitting Martin's arm and chest with everything I have. 

"Tell us how to cure it!" Kayden shouts. He's so loud he makes the walls shake with the force. The Windows shatter, Martin protecting Ellie and I from the wreckage of Kaydens rage. 

"You kill the one who put the curse on him." Standing on shaky legs I hold onto Ellie for dear life. "Who would that be?" I barely recognize my own voice. Looking up at her, she looks me straight in the eyes and says "my father." 

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