1 January 2022

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Ew I dont like the number 2022 I just, no. No. Anyways, a new year means new new-years resolutions. So, mine for the year are:
- Try more foods, (im a really picky eater)
- work out more
- try a little harder at school
- not get used
- get a better mental health / reach out to get help.
Hopefully I can follow most of these. I'll try.

Gonna color my hair again today, didnt go into 2022 with totally new hair but ill go to first day of school 2022 with total new hair. Thats fine atleast.

Its gonna be weird going to school again. L and N are the only people from school that have seen me since what, November? And they're not even in my class. Its not because of covid or anything. I said it was because of side-effects ( throwing up every morning, not getting sleep, blah blah blah ) of isotretinoin ( accutane ), and it was, but I was really just tired of going to school. I still had school, just from home, and I got work from my teachers to do later in the day. It worked out for me so well, I felt a lot better. Well, I didnt feel the need to throw up while working, and I wasn't falling asleep.

Finished watching the amazing spiderman yesterday, we started on spiderman far from home after that because I could stay up until 2022. And also to have noise on for the dog so he didn't get too scared from the fireworks.

I love fireworks, I really do. But we have the firework shows in the city, and open spaces away from most of the houses where you could light them up. Why in the street right infront of a neighbourhood who all have dogs? Yeah, they probably don't know dogs live there. But the city literally asked if people could fire fireworks anywhere other than in the streets because people's AND animals could get hurt. A house caught on fire because people didnt listen.

Its wierd to think my sister turns 18 this year. Blegh. NO. THANK. YOU.

Whatever. Im gonna go read and sleep. Bye.

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