20. 09. 23

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Oh my fucking god I hate H right now. If you read the last chapter you've already read about how she was mad about me going to get my septum peirced because "oh we made a deal 3 months ago that we haven't talked about since that we were going to get peirced together 😔". AND THEN WHEN I FUCKING SAY SORRY AND THAT I DO REALLY CARE BECAUSE SHE FUCKING ACCUSED ME, ME, OF NOT CARING SHE FUCKING SAYS ITS NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL AND TO CALM DOWN AND SHE JUST SENDS A FUCKING "OH SO FUNNY" VIDEO THAT HES FRIEND FROM HER NEW CLASS MADE. ITS NOT FUCKING OKAY YOU BITCH, YOU MADE A HUGE DEAL ABOUT IT AND I APOLOGISED FOR NOTHING AND THEN YOURE LIKE "haha its not that big of a deal 🤭🤪" ACTUALY FUCK OFF. I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU, YOU MADE ME HATE YOU, MY BEST FRIEND, ON MY BIRTHDAY.

Politely, fuck off and leave me alone for a few days. Or hours. Please.

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