4 January 2022

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School starts today. Im nervous as fuck. I dont want to go. I want to continue how it was before Christmas. That felt so much better. Ill try my best tho. Maybe ill get into the routine again. Hopefully I will.

I was supposed to hang out with N yesterday, but she wasn't allowed to go anywhere because of corona. That's fine. I went to the store later with my dad. I bought sticky notes, a new pen, a sketch book, new paint brushes and two small canvases. I took a shower earlier aswell.

Started watching Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban with my mom yesterday, we ended at the part where Harry sees that glowing deer thing. We'll continue before I go to sleep later today.

I had to take a convid test before I went to bed, it came out negative ofcourse. I think that was either my 7th or 8th time I've had to take a covid test now. Never had covid tho so 😎.

Struggled about what I'm gonna wear today for a little bit, going with kinda the same as yesterday.

That's it. Bye.

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