29. oct. 23

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I never cry when i watch movies. I never jump at the scary parts. I dont react. But when I see a happy family, i get quiet. When i see a father and daughter being happy and loving together, thats when i tear up.

I know I come off as a mommy's girl. And you're right, I am a mommy's girl. But i know that if i got the opportunity to be a daddy's girl, id take it in a heart beat.

I miss my father. I miss my dad. I know hes right there. We talk everyday, not deep though. Just "good morning". And he'll ask me how scjool was, i always answer with "it was fine" or "it was normal". Why dont i talk to him? I talk to my mom  whats so different with dad?

I know we hug, sometimes. I miss my dad. I know he's right there, but he's always just out of reach.

I miss how close we were when I was younger. When i look back at pictures of us, hugging, me clinging to him, sleeping on the sofa together, i wonder where it all went. Why did it go? When did it go? Was it when I started puberty? I just want to be a kid again. I just want to be a daddy's girl. I just want him to say hes proud of me.

Are you proud of me dad? I miss you. Please come back to me. I beg you, came back. Please.

I miss you dad.

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