22:55, 29/01/24

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So my sister's sick. Like, really sick. She is feed through a pump into her stomach because she has downsyndrome and low functioning  autism. And she obly tolerates one type of food. Its been good for years, but randomly i get to know that she doesn't have much of her food left.

The delivery of the food didnt come, and it got pushed back many weeks, like, too many weeks so we wont have any food for her. I dont know why the delivery didnt come, but it didnt, and thats whats important. So since that's the only thing my sister can eat, and now she is quickly running out, its pretty much an emergency.

My parents are obviously stressed, and I get it, their special needs child is going to fucking starve. Cause she cant take any other type of food, her body cant handle it, she gets violently ill.

I think my  parents called the hospital and the hospital sent us a diffrent type of food for her. My parents explained to them she couldnt have that, but the hospital just sent it and said thats all. And now, after a baby bottle sized meal of that new food, my sister is violently ill, throwing up, all that jazz. Shes throwing up so fucking much. How can all that fit it her tiny body?

Im scared. Im scared for what will happen to my sister. She might have to go to the hospital, my mom says. The same hospital that didnt listen? The same hospital that sent food that made her like this? Im scared for my family. My moms ankle is broken, shes basically stuck in the sofa 24/7. Yes, its just a small fracture, not a fully broken off bone, but still. She cant move. Ive been trying to stay out of the way as much as i can, and help whenever. But im scared. What will happen to my sister? What will happen to my family? What will happen to me?

My sister is probably the person i care most about. Im sorry, but its true. I love her to the moon and back. I love her with my whole heart. She is my whole heart. Will she die? Probably not. But what if?

This is why i cant tell my parents about my own problems. They have my sister to take care of. Im fine being a glass child if my sister is okay.

So what happens if shes not?

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