5 January 2022

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First day of school was yesterday, my friends were happy to see me. They didn't treat me differently which I'm happy for. People complimented my hair which was nice.

We wrote a lot at school today. First class, Spanish. Forgot my book but its fine.

Second, English, I was the first to finish the first assignment, then the second, and then I started on the third first. Im awesome 😎. I really like English, because I'm actually pretty good at it.

Third class, KRLE (religion), we just wrote about the first narnia movie because Aslan can be seen as a Jesus type figure.

Then we ate. And I was just on my phone a lot. Drew this wierd shape and made it into a house. Nice.

Fourth class, Norwegian, we just wrote and wrote. We were supposed to write in nynorsk, but I've found this translator so I just used that. ThAtS cheating!!!!¡!¡!¡¡¡!! Fuck off.

Last class, history/social studies, we had more history today. Learned about WW1. Im not that into it.

Then we went home. Listened to music, saw the guy I liked in 7th grade ( I still get why I did ). Came home, the whole family was there, was on my phone, played sims, ate dinner.

Theater time.
Got there a little earlier which is surprising, im usually a tiny bit late. Nearly everyone there complimented my hair. They're all really nice.

We had some games and then we got our roles! I got Marie and Lisa, I'm happy with them. They both die tho so that's the reason I got both heh.

While we were having break nearly everyone there started singing "we don't talk about Bruno" and the "They're singing happy birthday, you just want to lay down and cry. Not just another birthday, its 30/90! Why-". Its kinda cringy but fun.

After break we separated into groups and worked on different scenes of our play. Then go home time.

Got home, made myself grilled cheese in the microwave, watched Harry Potter with mom.

Overall a pretty great day. Bye. :)

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