04:01 am, 24.12.23

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Its Christmas. Merry Christmas to me. Isnt this about the same time i started this thing? Like what, 2 years ago? I thought i was gonna kill myself then. I still think that sometimes now. But still, ive had this for 2 years. Thats kinda impressive.

Its Christmas, so I should be happy, right? I get to eat good food, open presents, be with my family. Im not religious, so we celebrate family instead. So why the fuck am I crying alone in my room in the middle of the night? What the fuck is wrong with me? Why the fuck do i have to be so fucking pathetic?

Im pathetic, i know i am. I could be better. I could be so much better. I could look better, if i actually worked on myself i could actually look good. For once. But no.

And im pathetic cause here i am, being in love with someone who clearly doesnt like me that way. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why do I have to get crushes so fast? Why do I have to fall in love so fast? Why do I hurt myself like this? I think my crush on them started in October. They could never like me back. Just look at me.

I would usually blame this on how my parents basically emotionally neglected me most of my childhood, or on W. But this is all on me. I could be better. I know how to be better. I just dont do anything to get better. Its my fucking fault. Its not that hard to get out of bed youre just a fucking pathetic little crybaby. Im so fucking dramatic.

What the fuck is wrong with me.

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