4 nov 2023, 00:42

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It was my dads birthday yesterday, happy birthday dad :)

Sometimes i wish something tragic would happen to me, I guess its so I could get people's attention and love and care. Its selfish.

When I was getting ready for bed I made up a whole story about how I had to remove my eye and I was texting my friends in the hospital.

"Saturday midday: haha guess what guys, I'm in the hospital 😍 and guess what else, my left eye is gone.

On Friday night, my eye was a bit swollen, but thats not uncommon, my eyes are really sensitive. So i cleaned it and went to sleep. But then I woke up at like, 5 am, because my eye hurt like HELL and i looked in the mirror and it was really really swollen, so I called my mom inn and she was horrified. She got my dad and they both decided i had to go to the hospital. They called an ambulance, I got dressed, blah blah. When the ambulance got here, i couldn't see out of my left eye anymore, and I was crying because of the pain. The medics told me that apparently the body's immune system doesnt recognize our eyes, but it apparently recognised my left eye, but as an illnes. So it started attacking it. The medics were basically telling me my body was rejecting my left eye. I got to the hospital at about 6 am, i got to go to the new hospital, that was cool. I  got pumped with painkillers, and went into surgery at around 7 am. Apparently i slept untill like, 10, and when I woke up i panicked because, well i couldn't see out of my left eye, which makes sense cause it isnt there anymore. Had a little breakdown, or, a big one is probably a more accurate description. Then I texted you guys, my friends."

And ofcourse my friends would respond with love and care because they are the best people ever, and they would visit me in the hospital and all of that.

I kindof wanted to text them all that, just to see what they would say. Im selfish. Why do I make up such stories just because i feel lonley. I cant fucking belive i even for a second wanted to use my friends that way. What is wrong with me? Im selfish. I dont understand why i have friends, I havent done anything for them to stay, but they still do.

I hope my friends realise how grateful and happy I am that they are my friends. I genuinely don't know why they are, but im glad. I genuinely love them. I hope they know that.

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