30. nov. 2023, 01:30

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Sometimes I feel like my life is a movie.
A sad teenage one.
Not one of those teenage movies written by an adult who never went through anything bad, one actually written by a teenager.
Cause when i lay in my bed, listening to music and silently crying, i feel like ive already seen this scene many times before.
It makes me feel like a faker.
Are these emotions even mine?
Why am I even crying?
My life is perfect.
Why am I crying?
And then I realise my life could never be a movie.
Its too dull, too boring, noone would ever watch it.
"The girl who has nothing to be sad about, but still is."
That could be the title.
And the protagonist is a dull, ugly girl who gets more than she ever deserves.
Her friends are too good too her.
Her family is too good too her.
Everything is too good too her.
She doesn't deserve it.
She doesn't deserve any of it.
I dont deserve any of it.
My movie would be horrible, it wouldn't even be made.
Noone will make a movie of my life when I die.
Noone will mourn, noone will greive.
The only thing still keeping me here is the fact that my dog and my sister would probably not know where ive gone.
Oh my sister.
I love her so much, with my whole heart.
Here i go again, crying about nothing.
Im pathetic.

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