20. 09. 23

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Its my birthday! Yay! Im 16 now, the age I used to pretend to be when I was younger. I feel old. But I also don't feel any different. Im exited for the year to come. But I miss being a child so much there is a whole in my heart, where my childhood happiness and memories should be.

Why can't I remember them? The times I felt on top of the world on the kindergarten swings, or when I helped my dad build the playground in the backyard. That playground isn't there anymore. I cried the night we tore it down. It was like we tore down a peice of child me. I wish I could be 5 years old again. I wish I didnt have to grow up.

But im 16 now, I can start learning how to drive, Im legal, so I can legally be a whore. But who would ever want to fuck me. Noone, thats who.

Its my birthday but still I manage to have an argument with someone. Who? The person I considered my best friend. H. Why? Because I'm going to go peirce my nose in two days but apparently we made plans over 3 months ago to go get peirce together. Why the fuck does she think  I remembered we talked about that? One time? Over 3 months ago? And we haven't fucking talked about ut since? We've been bestfriends for over 2 years now. She knows how fucking bad my memory is. How the fuck does she expect me to remember that?

Sometimes I wish to cut H off. Shes been kindof toxic the last few months. Making petty arguments and being mad at me for the tiniest of things. But its probably my fault.

I've decided im not going to feel sad that I forgot this "deal" that we had. Ive been wanting to get my septum peirced for 4 years. I've been begging my parents for it since I was 12. Im not going to fucking cancel my plans just because one girl is mad about it. H, I love you, but right now you can fuck off.

Im 16. Im going to get my septum pierced. I dont care what anyone thinks about that.

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