2:48 am. Sun, 1 Oct, 2023

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Why do I crave affection so much? Why do I crave it so badly? Why do I crave affection and love so badly that my stomach hurts and my head throbs and my heat aches? What did I do to be a hopeless romantic with noone to love? Please. Tell me what I did. Tell me what I did to deserve this hell.

Im just laying here, in the middle of the night, on my phone. Just like normal. But then I start dragging one hand through my hair. And then both of them. And then I lay there. Both hands in my hair. A black pit in my stomach. Imagining my hands are someone else's.

Why do I do this to myself? Why do I make myself remember that I'm alone? I am all alone. I am a girl. A teenage girl. Who just wants to be loved. Just wants to be truly loved and cherished. Just once, I beg you. If there's a god out there, I will belive in you. I promise. Just give me someone to love. I beg. I truly beg you.

Why am I a hopeless romantic at 16? I am supposed to be out at night with my friends, kissing whoever and doing whatever and whoever. But instead I lay here at night, alone and aching for something, someone, I can never have.

I know I'm not good enough. I know I'm ugly. I know I'm stupid I know I'm wierd I know noone could love me I know noone could ever ever love me. But still. I yearn for the affection I will never get.

Why is it that way? Why? Why do I torture myself everyday imagining something I will never have. I beg myself. Stop. Stop. Just. Stop. Please.

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