11. feb 2024, 01:32

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Who am I?

I dont recognise myself. When i look it the mirror, i dont recognise myself. Like, i know that its me, I know, but I dont feel a connection to the person i see. What do you mean that she is me? What do you mean that is who everyone sees? My family? My friends? Strangers? Everyone? How do they stand being around me when I look like that. I look insufferable, ugly, like a child. What the fuck do you mean thats me.

I dont recognise my name either. Well yeah, I recognise it in the sense that i know that that name is my name and i know someone is talking to me when they say it. But there is something wrong with that name. Yes, it is me, but I dont connect with it, that name is not me. But what is my name then? Who am I? Who is Ella?

Who is Ella? Why does she look like that? Why does her face contort in that way? Why is her smile like that? Why are her cheeks so fucking big? Why is she so fucking fat? Why? Why is she like that?

And why is she me? No. No. I dont want to. I want to look different. I want to have a different name. I am not her. I cant be. But i am. This is the only person ill ever be. And i hate it.

Who even am I?

I dont know myself. So why do I express other people to know me. They shouldn't care, they shouldn't think about me. Im not interesting. Im not pretty. Im not anything.

Forget about me.

Who even am I?

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