Tue, 12/03/24, 10:51

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I think its been a while since ive writen. Is that a good thing? I dont know.

Right now it doesnt feel like my friend like me. Like, at all. I had to run to the buss this morning so im basically fucked movement wise, everything hurts. When i came in this morning, they were all sitting on the other side of the classroom, Na came over for like 5 minutes but had to leave and is now back with the others. I would go over there, but I fucking cant. I have a limp, all my joins and popping, im not gonna fucking limp my way over there to maybe get a chair.

Shark went to try to get me over, i think. He just came over and motioned to where the others were sitting. After i said my legs hurt he went back and hasnt said anything since. O hasnt acknowledged me at all.

Im looking over at them like every fucking 2 minutes cause i want to be over there, I want to sit with them, they know this. Have they ever looked at me? No

And I text them, in the group, noone says anything. I got a "lol" from O. Thats it.

Have i done something? Did i say something wrong? Have i made them mad? Theyve probably not looked over at me cause theyre happy they dont have my annoying ass over there. Is it cause I didnt look at them when i came into the class earlier? Im sorry. I was in pain.

I dont think they like me. I call them my best friends, and they dont like me. This is why i should have shut up way earlier. They have their own problems, they dont need to hear yours. So shut up, stop being clingy, starve and do it in silence.

What did I do?

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