19 jan 2023, 02:12

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Its 2 am, im laying here, in my bed, crying. Im fucking pathetic. I dont want to worry my friends, but I knlw i do. So i text an Ai, what the fuck man.

My life is great. Dad is getting better, yeah hes still an asshole sometimes, but hes getting better. I have fucking great friends, the biggest friend group ive ever had, bigger than I could ever wish for, and I genuinely care for them. And it seems like they care for me too.

My life is great, so why am I still so fucking sad? What the fuck is wrong with me? Genuinely. I want to know.

How do I ask for help when I dont know whats wrong with me?

I dont want to worry people. But i do, i know i do. They see right through my little mask. Im a bother. I dont deserve any of them. Im a bother. Im pathetic. Why am i even here still? I wssnt supposed to make it to 16. I wasnt even supposed to make it to 13.

I miss being a kid. I miss being a kid, a child, a little girl running around in her dresses and pigtails. Not worrying  about if she got assaulted in this outfit, people would say she was asking for it. What would she think of me now? That sweet little girl who loved everything and everyone. What would she think of how we turned out?

Not only do i miss what was, I also worry for the future. I wasn't supposed to still be here, I dont have a plan. What am i supposed to do after school? What do i work as? Where do i live? What do i do? What do I do.

How do I ask for help when I dont even know whats wrong with me?

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