2. September

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School started, my birthdays in 18 days

Why do my "friends" not remember anything ive told them. Ive been saying i have a terrible fear of sports balls (hah, funny i know) and they take me to a fucking football game. And they make me sitt in the field. AND WHEN A FUCKING BALL HITS ME THEY DONT EVEN NOTICE. Then they tell me that, Oh! THEY DID NOTICE AND THEY FUCKING LAUGH ABOUT IT. I know it  might be fucking stupid but ive had this fear since what, 1 grade. Thats 10 years ago. 10 years. And its never gotten better.
They should know. They should remember. I told them 10 minutes earlier and they laugh. What the fuck. I want to yell at them. I want to make them apologise.  I feel like shit. I want to cry.  Fuck them.

On saturday, a week ago, we were at this school thing the whole day because its for a kinda play. We were in the sports hall, when i went to the toilet and left my bag with all my stuff ( phone, key, money, all my cards ) in it with them. When i came back, my stuff was just laying there. And they were gone. Where did they go? Out of the fuckibg hall. They were laughing and having fun playing basketball. My  stuff was alone. With lots of people i dont know. And they left it there. I wanted to hit them right there, but no. I walked away and fortunetly some friends from another class were in the hall.

They do all this shit and then act like they dont know. "Your bag was there? No it wasent." I put it in your lap. You fucking bitch. I'm starting to belive youre no better then W. I wanna run away. Why tf is my life like this. Why  haven't i killed myself yet. I fucking should. Noone cares. Fuck the whole world.

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