2. nov. 2023

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I hate being sick

My heart beats to hard in my chest
My clothes are uncomfortable
I cant sit right
Everything is too loud
I lose my appetite
My tounge is to big for my mouth
Im warm
Im cold
I want to cry
I want to sleep
I want to see my friends
My heart beats too fast
Im thirsty
My lips are dry
Im sweaty
My head hurts
My heads too heavy

I just want it to be over
I just want to see my friends.
We were gonna play dnd tomorrow but because im sick we cant have it at my place meaning we cant have it anywhere. Its my fault. I want to cry.

Why do I have to get sick so easily? Am i even sick? Am i faking it again? I know I do my little trick of pushing out my tonsils so they look swollen, so maybe thats what I'm doing? Yes my throat hurts like hell and its dry, but I could just drink some water and take a pill. Right? Ill be fine. Its not contagious. My heart is beating out of my chest. My head is too heavy. But atleast i get to see my friends. Id have to go to school, yes, but atleast id get to see my friends.

I hate being sick.

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