21:13, 25 des 2023

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I had really fun today, i really did. I went over to where J and shark and Nt lives, it was pretty cold but i didnt mind, i had fun and i got to meet j's dog.

But I cant think about that. The only thing im thinking about right now, the only thing im doing right now, is trying not to cry because my dad called me hun. Well he called me vennen but im gonna translate that to hun.

He fucking stopped my mom from talking cause i got interupted and he asked me "what'd you say hun?". I cant even fucking look at him right now because i get fucking teary eyed and im on the verge of crying.

I know I have daddy issues. I know. I know. I know i know i know i know i fucking know. I live with it. Every day. I get reminded of it everytime im with my dad. When we're talking. When we're just in the same room. When I just think about him.

Fucking hell how fucking messed up am i if i want to cry over a fucking petname my dad said once. Once man.

I would for beg him to call me that again.

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