11. sep 2023

1 0 0

Lol 9/11


Its been a while since i wrote anything on here, well, since ive been on the app at all. And I just found this diary again. So I wanted to update it.

Im in 1 grade vgs now. I made it to high-school. Im proud of myself for that.

I cut off W, im so happy i did.

I got new friends, theyre awsome. I love them already, even though i haven't known them that long. I just hope that they'll stay with me. I showed them the other chapters, they were supportive and nice, sayinf all the bad things I said werent true. I love them. I hope they stay.

I still have problems. I still doubt myself. I still have breakdowns. Ive figured out im probably neurodivergent, maybe ADD, ADHD or autism. I still yearn for my childhood. And most of all i yearn for my father. I miss him. Even though we live in the same house and interact everyday. I miss him.

So i guess i am better right now. I habe ups and dows but i think im a little bit better.

Bye bye, ill be back. Some day.

Diary Of A Teenage Girl Where stories live. Discover now