00:27, 11.12.23

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So yesterday, well, on Saturday, i was at K's house with Na, Shark and J. We've all become good friends, im really happy about that. Anyway, we weren't really doing anything specific, but we were still having fun. Then we brought out k's demonias and corsets, it was fun being a bit taller in the demonias but what i liked most was the corset.

I was having a bad day, not those where i feel like shit, one of those where the small amount of balance usually have was gone and my hands were shaking like a bitch, so I couldnt loosen the corset. People noticed my hands were shaking and they got worried, asking if i was okay and such. Its so nice knowing people care about me.

Anyway, i got the corset on and i fucking loved it. The pressure was so nice, felt like I was getting a tight hug, and it was just gorgeous too. I felt kinda pretty in it, not gonna lie. My boobs were making the zipper not want to stay up which was funny. I might get one myself, a corset that is.

I dont remember how we got to that point, but j started talking about how he probably could lift me, I said he could try and he did. He said i was light. Me. Light. He probably doesn't even remember saying that but ive been thinking about it since he said it. He probably lied to make me feel better, or to make him look stronger. But still, i think about it. Ive always been bigger, heavier then others. So it made me feel happy, until my brain told me he was lying.

I like these people, they make me happy, and they tell me im pretty. I love them.

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