02:36, 26 jun, 24

3 0 0

I keep checking even though I know theres nothing

Noone ever texts me if I dont start it

Noone ever notices I dont talk in the groupchats anymore

Noone notices I dont talk


Why do I even care? I can be on my own. I can, but i cant help thinking its pathetic.

I dont know anymore.  Its getting bad, really bad, and I know it.

Na actually checked up on me yesterday or something so i guess im lying when i say noone texts me. They do, but its always when im sleeping. I should stop sleeping so long, i keep missing out on stuff. But anyway, back to what i was saying, Na checked up on me. They said i seemed down or something. They were correct, but did i tell them that? Hah.

I should tell them. I should tell someone. But I dont, i dont know how. I dont know whats wrong with me.

I just want it to be over

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