24. 09. 23

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Im gonna write an actually diary thing but this one is dedicated to my new best friends

I cant begin to describe how much I absolutely adore you. I cant describe how much I love you. But ill try.

On the first day of school I was absolutely terrified. And not just the first day, the first week maybe. I sat next to S, who I would describe as my best friend now. S, not my sister, is an absolutely amazing artist, I cant even begin to describe how good they are. I would just sit and look at their drawing because I was so scared to say anything. But now they're my best friend, and I love them. (Sorry I dont know what pronouns to use)

And then there's N. I dont remember the first time we talked, it was either when we were running around the town taking pictures or when we were running around the school finding letters. I dont care. I just remember wanting so badly to talk to her (?). She's absolutely the best, they both are. And they're both attractive as fuck, I cant lie.

And there's O, an absolute sweet heart. We were both quiet at the start and I was so worried we wouldn't have anything to talk about. But we do, and im so glad. She's so nice and pretty and I just love all of them.

I remember the first day of school, coming into the classroom trying to find my seat, and looking at everyone already there trying to figure out what they would be like. I sat next to S, and they were drawing, so I looked. I think I gave them a little smile when I sat down I dont remember. I think N came in after me, I dont know, but I remember thinking she was really cool and really being scared of what she would think of me. I was scared of what everyone would think of me. I didnt know anyone. But now I do. And im so happy.

I cant even begin to describe how much better high school is compared to middle school. Yes, I still hate school. But I dont dread coming anymore. I have amazing friends to be with.

I love you all. I hope you never leave me.

I will never leave. You'd have to be kicking and screaming at me before I leave. Which I hope you never do.

I love you all so much, from my whole heart. I cant stress that enough.

Diary Of A Teenage Girl Where stories live. Discover now