2 January 2022

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Coloured my hair today. It looks awesome. Its really dark purple but kinda a more red-ish purple. Not what I had in mind but I like it. This is the darkest colour I've ever had. Its making my blonde eyelashes and eyebrows look fucking pathetic, but whatever. Lol.

Gonna be with my friend N on Monday, thats tomorrow. Were gonna go to the shopping center, and then after that go home to me. Yeah. We need to wear masks and shit because people are getting sick, like huge amounts. Yuck. Covid.

I wanna buy more clothes, like grunge ish clothes, but I dont have that much money so I gotta stick to when my mom goes on-line to buy something. But I get clothes so im happy.

I kinda wanna buy a candle, because I think candles are really pretty. I dont know where I'd put it, but I kinda want one.

Finished spiderman far from home, kinda like an 8/10. Its good, I like it, but it won't be one of my favourites.

I cried because of a tiktok. Yay.

Not that much today. Bye.

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