03:54, 18.12.23

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Some nights I lay in my bed thinking about what I would want my last day on earth to be like.

I wish it to be a Saturday, or a Sunday.

That night I would have gotten a good night's sleep, I would know that this would be my last day.

I would wake up earlier than normal, not early, but around 10 am.

I would take a shower, I dont want to be disgusting on my last day.

The morning I would spent with my family. We could watch a movie or something, I dont care.

In the evening I would be with my friends. We could be playing dnd, or also watching a movie, or just enjoying eachothers presence.

When it is starting to get late, and I can feel myself starting to fade away, I wish to be cuddled up with my friends. Like on Saturday.

I would feel bad for my friends, having to feel my body go limp, having to feel me stop breathing, and having to feel my heart stop beating.

But in the moment that I pass away, I would be happy and at peace, surrounded by my friends. I would feel bad that I didnt get to be with N or H, but I got to be with my family and most of my friends.

I would have written letters to everyone, the night before or earlier in the day.

One letter for each member of my closest family, and one letter for all my friends.

The letters for my friends would be in a bag i would have brought with me, and a letter in my pocket would tell them i am sorry i passed away like this, but that they please read the letters in my bag.

I would not tell anyone i would be passing away, that would ruin the mood.

If I pass, i want it to be like any normal day.

I just want to spend the last day of my life memorizing the faces of the people i love.

I would be at peace.

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