16:36, 13. May, 2024

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Why do I get so overwhelmed over such small things? Why did i want to cry and scream and throw my phone across the room, wishing it would smash into a thousand small pieces, just because i lost my marker and now my pencil?

I need to calm the fuck down. Its a pencil for god sakes. Yeah, I just bought it cause i lost my last one. Yes, its my favorite of like, all time. But still, loosing it shouldn't make me fucking shead a tear

Its just cause im stressed, yeah? Like. I got a shit ton of stuff i need to do for school, but even though i have the time to do it i put it off cause i just dont want to do it.

Maybe I am autistic. Thats what my friends say, but theyre just joking, right? Sometimes it seems like theyre joking, sometimes it doesnt. Especially when Na says it. It doesnt seem like theyre kidding, it seems like what theyre saying is truth. But I cant be. Right?

Like yeah, I guess I fit a bit of the traits and all that shit. And yeah, theres already like 3 in my family with it, including my sister. But thats exactly it! Im just copying her y'know? Cause i grew up around her i grew up thinking that was how to act

It would explain a lot tho. Especially the fact i get overwhelmed so easily. Fuck.

Im gonna go look for my pencil, fml.

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