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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Gods reading through this is making me cringe... blah anyway enjoy it while I rewrite it and make it BETTER!!


Mist flooded the forest working its way swiftly to drown my boots and I gripped the crossbow tightly in my hands. To say the forest is merely creepy is an understatement. When you're with a group of people the forest is creepy however when you're out on your own it's deadly, it's vicious. It will use every shadow to betray your sight.

It's all a trap set to kill you.

Still here I am determined with a shivering spine hunting for the wolf. The awful disgusting beast who Luna is defending.

She's not a werewolf. I refuse to believe it. Sure she's wild, witty, possibly dangerous but she is not a monster.

A howl sounded close by and I ran towards the battle cry with my cape flying behind me.

I noticed bits of red ripped fabric scattered around on the earth and in the arms of trees, my expression grew grim when I spotted the red dressed damsel lying half alive on the ground.

"Luna?" I whispered recognising her slender frame. All rules from training slipped my mind and I blindly ran out towards her crashing down beside her and threw my hat and crossbow down.

Her skin glowed a pale white under the heavy light of the full moon, Luna's eyes were filled with their usual chocolate warmth as she shared a tired smile with red coated lips as dark as blood, her red gown was not exactly in tatters but the front of her skirt had been ripped off to reveal creamy coloured thighs covered in claw marks, her chest rose up with every intake of breath and her dark hair was splayed around her. She looks like a fallen angel.

"What did it do to you?" I asked her feeling my eyes get heavy with tears. I've heard of werewolves taking advantage of girls and stealing their purity. But I didn't think that was possible, not Luna. Why should a werewolf take interest in Luna? If he hurt her why isn't she crying?

"Uh I'm having trouble moving..." She replied weakly.

I helped her sit up watching her hair fall off her shoulder eyeing at a bloodied bite mark on her neck. "What happened?"

"Hm?" She moaned dazed.

"Luna stay with me." I shook her gently causing her to yelp.

"Curtis do you mind?" She sighed clutching her head with a grimace. I didn't waste a second for her I just slipped my arm under her knees and gripped her waist to lift her up but she elbowed me away.

"I need you to come with me." I said sternly.

"Need me to?" She repeated in a sultry voice then stared at me smirking. There is something off with the way she's looking at me.

"Luna there might be time to help you and save you from a..."

"Fate worse than death? You're so predictable Curtis." She chuckled and threw her head back to stare at the stars. "Isn't it beautiful out here?"

She's lost her mind. "You're hurt and possibly delusional."

"I am feeling many things..." She purred setting herself up on all fours leaning towards me. "But hurt is not one of them." She pressed her lips forcefully on mine and I continued to sit shocked watching with wide eyes at her closing her own. Within the second our lips met I suddenly felt the heat melting my insides and the need to reach out to touch her.

But I stopped the kiss. "What are you doing?" I asked she giggled with her eyes still closed and placed her hand on my chest to push me back into the ground. She leaned over me locking my hips with her legs and kissed me again. Our mouths moulded together perfectly and fit my hands in the curve of her waist gripping onto her torn red dress. "I thought you were having trouble moving?"

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