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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Yes finally got this done!

Please vote and comment and share to other fellow werewolf lovers. You're about to discover what Luna's best friends have been hiding from her as they encounter both beasts in one night.

It's gonna be goooood.

Also follow my new facebook page, link is on my profile!



The wind harshly blew at me whipping my golden hair all over the place.

"Stupid wind." I muttered but I didn't lose focus. I let the hair fly everywhere and kept my crouching stance high in the tallest tree to look over grand wild woods I've been coming to every night. Minus that party of course. I grinned as I thought that man I kissed but I shook him out of my thoughts. This time to be distracted or we will fail again.

Very soon Valerie will come my way and give me the signal. So for now I will groan at the ferocious wind and stare up at the clouds hiding the stars from me.

I'm in no mood for another hunt.

Not with Luna on my mind.

Valerie told me everything and now we're out here trying to track the wolf down.


Satine and Valerie are deadly certain the monster breaking myth law is the golden eyed boy from the club. It makes sense I suppose, that once he sees his prey he will stalk it, torment it. I can't imagine how Luna must be feeling right now especially since only a month before her brother had run away and got caught by the devious demon dog. Though you'd think this wolf would be more stealth and careful I mean he was too obvious the way he followed our Luna. Not the brightest man we've ever dealt with so why is he so difficult to catch? What makes him think he's above the law Satine questions every time we come with clean paws and no wolf.

I dusted off my burly wood coloured pants for no reason other than to do something while I wait. This is boring. When is he coming?

My senses caught the sound of three rapid hearts not too far behind me one more past paced than the others and not too long there was a giant black wolf rushing right underneath me. It took only half a second to react and leap off the branch to unsheathe my claws. I could feel them grow out and let them sink into the wolf's back making him cry out in anguish before he shook me off and I was cast down to the ground. I didn't waste a second because two great wild felines have already caught up and are running past me.

One is gifted with her sleek black fur to easily hide in the shadows and the other is a majestic tiger.

Need I say more of they're superiority?

They're about the size of strong horses and their jaws could rip out the throat of a giant with not that much difficulty. Maybe that's a bit far and unrealistic but not impossible.

Not for Val and Sat, no they're very powerful werecats and so am I. Though I think Satine may have already messed with a giant.

Technically we're not meant to be hunting wolves our mission or 'job' is too clean the world of its rodents: vampires. A very pesky creature that is not as old as the ancient gods and a lot younger than the first real vampires. Those empousai are wicked. Yet neither the empousai or the modern vampires have been a big issue here in about ten years. Round about the same time as when the wolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Ten long years and we only heard about him three years ago when we came back to France.

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