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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

"Feeling better?" He asked as I gulped down the water still sort of shaking. I slammed the cup down and kept practicing my breathing. Making sure I am still capable of that act.

"Yes thank you. Oh and thanks for before who knew you were so good with crowds?" We listened to brawls erupting just outside the inn and Sam snickered while I scowled. Even over the chatter of every other customer in here the uproar outside is still loud and annoying. My headache apparently can get a lot worse I mean this is just ridiculous. "People are stupid." I can't believe they're still fighting. I took another sip as Sam chuckled. He leaned back on his chair with one hand around an empty cup on the table. His body looks so awkwardly big for that chair I feel like at any moment he might fall back or the chair just might break under his weight. He is a very masculine man if that makes any sense, every muscle is visible through his white shirt then again it's a thin fabric and he probably intended to reveal his 'manliness' to show off that he's scary.

"Who was the stupid man telling you off? Did he hurt you?" It was a second before I realised he was talking about my father Hugo. I grinned at the table processing the pleasant idea that Samson just called my father stupid.

I did a mental wicked cackle.

"If he did." I placed the glass back down putting my hand back into the tin bucket filled with cold water on the seat beside me. Sam eagerly tilted his gigantic body forward on the table awaiting my words with a wondrous smile. "What would you have done?"

He leaned on his arms his face inches from mine and the smile turned into something smug and Evan-like but at the same time it made my insides feel... Funny. "I would have kicked his sorry saggy..."

"He's my father." I interrupted smiling.

His eyes widened and he fell back in his seat ashamed. "Oh, I apologize."

I kept smiling. "Don't." I chuckled picturing him meeting my dad. Oh that's a weird thought... Let's pray that never happens. I know they wouldn't like each other and both would act as pretentious as the royals in court. "How did you do it?"

His brow perked. "Do what?"

I gazed around for any eavesdroppers then stared back at him just realising he'd leaned forward again almost closing the space. I couldn't help but think of how I would be in so much trouble if my family had caught me now. Oh little Luna you're at it again? What a heart breaker, what a harlot. "They were demons right?" He nodded. "How did you get rid of them?"

"Don't worry about it. Anyway I thought you were following that man from the stage what were you doing with demons?"

I blushed I'm not sure why though. I thought I was being careful not to seem suspicious then again of course he would notice, he's a wolf and they seem to know a lot without being told. "It wasn't by choice I didn't invite them to kill me and burn my hands in the process." I stared at my second layer of skin. It's not that bad as it was before just a few marks here and there that will probably scar but how miraculous is my luck. It hurt like hell. Sam insisted that the only way you would notice them is if you were looking for them. I believe him. "And the preacher? Yes I was following him but then Cordelia and Maurice decided to lead me to a smoking death."

"He's no preacher." He declared.

"What makes you say that?"

"Preacher's are just common people who have nothing better to do with their time. He was not dressed like a normal person. You knew something was off about him don't lie to me Luna."

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