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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


Did she just call me a nympho?

I have to keep talking to her. "Can you please stop trying to run away from me?" I begged speaking louder as I speed walked after her outside in the streets. I ungracefully slipped on the damp stone steps, thankfully she didn't see.

She continued to speed walk away from me but I'm not having her leave just like that. Not when there's so much she and her fiends are hiding. Not when miss brown eyes is suddenly interesting. We were meant to talk otherwise we wouldn't have met before in the 'underworld'. "What do you even want from me? What do any of you wolves want from me?" She snapped back at me over her shoulder and I found it utterly amusing. Her trying to be fierce is the same as a little kitten.

Incredibly adorable.

"Luna." I called humorously.

She found it mocking. "Stop calling me that." She sighed exasperated.

"It's your name is it not?" I asked not understanding yet still beaming.

"Yes but it scares me that you know it and we haven't been properly introduced." Posh little wench. "Plus you say my name in a tone as if you are talking to a child." I smiled knowing I tend to do that a lot and it frustrates Charles too.

Tis the inner dominant wolf it can't be helped. "I'm not meaning to." I whispered. She sped up past the houses now remaining silent as she's trying to infuriate me by ignoring me. What she doesn't realise is I could follow her all night if I really wanted to. I have nothing better to do. The stars are out, the streets are empty, if I wanted to throw her over my shoulder, bring her home and put a leash on her I would. I'd imagined she'd be very feisty and attack me or chew off the leash then strangle me with it. It would be incredibly provocative. I like wild girls. "Luna I realise I should have at least introduced myself before throwing out words like that."

"Yes I don't like being insulted by strangers." She analysed the two storey houses probably hoping someone will be up to call a guard on me. A witness to our banter and chase. There are none she only has the handsome Sam Nightly.

I chuckled but she didn't hear me. "We have met before." She kept walking. Fine then. "You never gave me the chance. You saw me and immediately you jumped away in terror and so I acted upon..." My sentence trailed off when she started running around the corner of the street. A warmth spread from my chest, it's excitement that's building up. She really thinks she can outrun me? Outrun a werewolf?

"Alright little moon." I kinked my neck to the left and licked my lips anxious to begin the hunt. I know from last time she is very fast so this chase is worth while and no aroma less women to spoil it. "Let's see what you've got." I ran to the street she disappeared in and followed her sweet scent of honey mixed with lavender. I wanted to get a birds eye view so she wouldn't sense me coming so I climbed the wall of the house nearest to me and from the top window where little children inside slept away and I leaped up grabbing a hold onto the roof tiling then effortlessly pulled myself up.

Okay fine I'll admit there was a little difficulty since the silver is still burning my insides.

Not caring about disturbing the sleeping humans in their homes I jumped from one roof to another until I spotted her beneath me.

She is very fast I'll admit although she could never beat me. The way she moves, leaps over obstacles and slides under carts without struggle is unreal. Like some fantasy heroine or a woman with superhuman qualities.

She's not a human at all.

My brother must know that, he must be able to see it that's why he's taken an interest. She suddenly changed direction surprising me and ran far away across an empty square, her sharp footsteps pounding on the stone to get to the houses on the opposite street and she disappeared in the darkness of another street. I leaped off the roof hands first and had to roll and tumble a bit before I stood up again and jumped from one wall to the next until I reached the top of another building and kept my eyes peeled like a hawk.

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