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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


Pushing through the crowd I finally caught Luna storming away on her own with a fire in her brown eyes, causing an intrigue. What did that relative of hers say to aggravate her so strongly? I would love to know. My eyes passed over her family strutting away peacefully and incredibly avoiding the damage of everyone roaring and growling at each other, and for what? This lying bearded male should be the target of their anger.

She turned her head slightly, her pointed gaze passing over me and before I could call out to her I noticed she spotted the man who was scaring the townspeople before. Her eyes narrowed on him as if she were putting a death wish on him and she began to follow his tail. I agree Luna that man is suspicious, his scent reeks of rotting skin and smoke. Not quite the rotting smell of the un-dead, certainly though a sent that arouses mischief to come out and play. This preaching bearded man veered his direction down a dark set of stairs and Luna lifted her skirts scanning her surroundings once more before she stalked him.

Is this is norm? Does Luna simply follow every dark monster for entertainment? Is that what her wild fantasies are filled with?

"Luna!" I called out hauling a man by the collar of his shirt out of my way. For a second I thought his friend or so wanted a fight because I felt someone's hands on my shoulders hauling me back. I growled swinging my fist around to hit their jaw but Red head caught it, with the Raven head standing beside her arms folded and lips forming a sneer. "Oh joy my two most favourite girls in world." I held my hands up in mocking praise. The women with no scents, my wound on my chest began to throb slightly as if sensing their presence.

"What do you think you're doing?" Valerie harshly questioned looking ready to tear at something. Me specifically. I'm flattered.

"I knew you were protecting that mutt! And now you have Luna defending him!" Red head shouted stretching her hands forward to choke me. Valerie grabbed her just in time but I stepped forward to explain. "That was her. I never told her to praise the damned dog."

"But you spoke to her!" Val whispered having to shove a man away when he stumbled upon her. The he was sucker punched by her when she lost impatience with some internal thought. You don't beat a man up when he's down, what must she be like around her enemies when she becomes a fury.

I tested the waters. "Yes that is what I meant when I said I 'told her'."

I can tell by their glare they did not appreciate my sarcasm. "We've warned you to stay away." Val's blue eyes began to glow.

"She does not need to be followed around by a sticky pawed pup." Red added behaving in a smug manner. Her fingers are twitching. If Raven head decides to turn a blind eye Red will definitely tke that opportunity to strangle me to death.

"You girls are racist you know that? I am genuinely offended." I placed my hand over my heart pouting.

"Can we just kill him and get this over with?" Red begged. I burst out. I am not sinister but they refuse to believe it! I laughed some more. With Luna following a potential threat should they really be concerned with the likes of me? Unless of course they don't know she has left to follow that thing.

Taking in their expressions it's clear. They know nothing and I am wasting seconds of what could be the last few moments of Luna's life right now toying with them. I gazed over Red's shoulder and stiffened. "He's here."

"What?" They both glared over their shoulders in panic.

I ran.


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