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© Claimed By Him ~ 

The warm breeze blew back my chocolate curls as Ella and I walked through the crowded streets of the city. People rushed about but I took note when a few took note of us and why wouldn't they? We're the oddest looking pair. Ella is dressed brightly in her canary yellow cotton dress opposed to me the dark sister of the family dressed in a silvery-grey dress with long sleeves and a black ribbon tied around my neck like a choker. Are they admiring the beautiful, cheerful and colourful Ella or fearing the cold, Maverick and dull Luna?

"Why do you smile Luna?" Ella whispered. A woman shoved her shoulder into Ella's making Ella grimace. I glowered at the woman and she kept walking with wide surprised eyes staring at me. Shows her to be careful who she is rude to. We've been getting this a lot lately, rude shoves or trips from the lower class.

"What do you mean?" I asked putting back on my smile. Ella's eyes as usual held suspicion. "Are you confused by my happiness? Am I smiling without your permission?"

"You've had that smile for awhile now... Did Evan die?" She asked sarcastically.

"Not yet." I replied sinisterly. Mother turned around to us from her position on father's arm, her eyes held dark rings but still she managed to look like a queen all decorated in red.

"Girls remember even though your uncle looks like an evil villain with that curly moustache you don't need to comment on it." She gave me a pointed look.

"He grew it back?!" Ella and I exclaimed in unison. We burst into mad laughter.

"Hush girls." My father ordered silencing us. The day suddenly seemed to turn grey as clouds swirled in ruining our parade. I swear only my father can change the weather just to annoy you.

"I hope it doesn't rain." Ella sighed gazing up at the sky. "I spent an hour on my hair."

"You mean I spent an hour on your hair." I smirked down at her.

Her eyes widened in horror. "Now I'm frightened. You're too cheerful I fear as if you're about to do something bad."

I linked my arm with hers and whispered. "I'm feeling too jolly to go on with one of my evil master plans."

"But why? That's my question." She whispered back as mother gave us a suspicious glare over her shoulder.

Why? Yes why am I so happy?

"I have a feeling today will be a good day." I admitted.


"Yes. Don't ask me why because I don't know."

"Did you hit your head?" Smacked it into a wall actually but that is beside the point. Thinking about those brutes slapping me and chasing me made my skin crawled. "You do realise we're seeing our dreaded cousins and the rest of the psychopaths in our family?"

"I do but I still..." I hesitated. A swelling feeling of happiness growing in my chest. "I cannot explain it."

"Well just remember the little pest that loves throwing food down our dresses." Ella scrunched up her little button nose at the thought of the little terror of a cousin.

I gazed around for prying ears before whispering in hers. "I swear last time my breasts ate more than me." She giggled as we neared the town square.

"He loves picking on us because we're you know..." She shrugged.

I cackled. "Better developed than the rest of the girls in our family?" I suggested shimmying my chest forward and Ella hauled me back blushing furiously.

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