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"Your claws are huge." I said incredulously while running my fingers along slender nails of a were-tigress. Satine now in her human form and miraculously fully dressed when she transformed right in front of me, let me hold them as we sat at their dining table. Soft, warm hands with red hairs on her fingers that were faint and barely visible unless you were looking for them as I was. I was searching for some flaw that gives away her true divine creature and found none of it on her hand except for the nails she calmly lengthened like a cat. They are white, long and oddly hook shaped not to mention they look positively demonic on her human fingers. Any normal woman would have been too afraid to touch them and while I did faint for a minute, touching them doesn't really seem to disturb me. They inspire me, I believe they're most beautiful claws I have ever seen in my life. Even with a few broken and chipped they are terrifyingly spectacular. "What happened to those ones?" I asked.

"Vampires." She said her green glinting like emeralds. The she sipped her hands under the table into her lap straightening her burgundy dress. The act brought my attention to dark patches on the material which made something in my gut twist tight into a knot. Blood. But who's?

"Vampires? The soulless pale faces that drink blood also exist?" I'm a little overwhelmed of how she can say it so calmly.

"Yes." They all said in unison.

"Werewolves, demons, werecats, now vampires?" I leaned back into my chair fell nauseous. What would Sam think? What if he knew? He has that superb sense of smell he must know. Whatever led me to think about him at this moment? I shook my head as if I could simply shake him out and forget him. He and Alpha make it too difficult to forget.

Marilyn chuckled. "Luna there are plenty more mythical creatures out there." She walked towards the arch window and gazed out of it dwelling in her own thoughts.

"Oh..." I feel almost inferior to know so little, compared to all they seem to live with and treat as if it is nothing. "So repeat again you were made by four ancient Gods."

"And cursed by two others." Val sniped lingering in the corner.

"Pan the God of the Wild, Aphrodite the Goddess of Beauty, Athena the Goddess of wisdom and Hephos... Hepha..."

"Hephaestus God of fire and blacksmith to the Gods." Val finished as she poured the wine in a glass at the dining table.

"Valerie it's still morning." I scolded.

"It's six o'clock somewhere." She drank down her glass within seconds then sighed. "Let's fix up your face. Mari did you finish the dress?"

Mari suddenly spun around and gazed at us excited. "I need to make a few more attachments!" She rushed out of the room and we listened to her thundering footsteps.

"What dress?" I asked but Valerie had hauled me up by my arm. "Ouch."

"Sorry." She grabbed my chin and turned my head to analyse the wound. "We teach you how to fight for a reason you know." She let me go and I rolled my eyes.

"I have a feeling that if I were to attack my father his belly fat would protect him."

"Since when does he aim for your face?" Satine asked.

"Since I found his drawings."

They both closed in on me interested. "His drawings?"

"His explicit workings of a few women who serve us."

Satine gagged and Valerie looked like she just smelled something really awful. "That disgusting fat leech." They both muttered. Most would have said pig but they have a strange attachment to pigs. Val backed away from me horrified. "Your poor mother. How can anyone betray her? I swear she's the only man in the city that doesn't love her. Arielle is an angel."

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