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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


"Mistress?" A strange noise came out from my throat as that gentle voice woke me up however my eyes wouldn't open until the rest of my body made some kind of movement. "Mistress?"

"I'm halfway there just give my eyes a moment." I muttered moving my head across the mattress. "Where's my pillow gone?"

"On the floor with your paper and ink... The ink has stained the case."

I slept with my ink? "I'm sorry my eyelids won't corporate. Uh..." I rolled onto my back and brought my hands up to my eyes. I felt the woman lean down to grab everything I had dropped in the night. "What was I doing with the ink?"

"It looks to me you were writing miss."

"That sounds like me." My eyes fluttered open and I widened them to wake them which some how caused the reaction of yawning. My body was too sluggish to move it. "Oh lord..." I turned my head and looked at the maid standing right at my bed holding my papers in her hand. Her raven hair still out in waves on her shoulders and she was still in her nightgown seeming uncomfortable. "You may read the notes if you want."

"I can't read."

"Probably best, you would want me burnt at the stake if you could." I sat up and stared between her and the early morning outside my window. Which was too much movement for my head and so it was sluggish and slow and wasted more time. "Why am I up?" Is the house on fire? Is there a hurricane? Did Alpha finally find me? I looked down at myself and I have a blue ink stain on my chemise right on my stomach. I was writing all of last night, I have been writing ever since I left the Crowly's. The scare from Bloomwood caused some weird incitement until I just timed out and fell asleep in my work.

"You told me to wake you early." Oh right I did.

"Yes! Thank you."

"Shall I make you breakfast?" She asked.

"No, no just go back to bed Lucille and thank you." I climbed out of bed and took her hands in mine. "Don't wake anyone else up."

"Yes ma'am. Shall I help you get dressed?"

"You're no longer needed just get more rest. The ball is tonight so everyone will have a hectic day and you'll have many things to do." I shooed her out then shut the door letting out another loud yawn. "I hate mornings." I got the key to Michael's bedroom from a draw in my desk. I noticed the poster Sam left me in there to and I grabbed it as well and tucked it in my dress just for... Perhaps a comparison. The plan is to get that journal back because it's about time I find out what Michael knew about the wolf and why those men were chasing after him-me-but him.

I waited until I felt her presence descend back to the servant quarters and grabbed my white robe with printed blue flowers over it. Probably not the best thing to be sneaking around in but I know no one else is going to be up at this time of morning. I quietly crept out on tiptoe holding the key to my chest as I met Michael's door. It was blue, an ugly blue and I found my fingers tracing the wood work remembering how many times I would slam my fist against for either a good reason or a bad one which meant his punishment against my flying hands. I suppressed the memories of him while fitting the key into the lock and with a firm click it opened. It creaked open reminding me of that haunted house leading the 'Underworld Club' and I walked in kicking the door closed behind me. I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was even holding and smiled to myself. It still smells like him, even to this day and the memories are still so fresh in my mind. All the furniture has been kept intact and cleaned as if he is just on a long trip and could return any day now. It must be mother who cleans up because she doesn't let anyone else in here, the floor is polished, the bed has new covers and the cobwebs-well there aren't any, I started for the desk however my brow perked when I noticed his telescope at one of the window. "Why would he have there? Facing towards the house?" Out of curiosity I peeked inside and gasped. It looks right into our servant's bedrooms!

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