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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


We stopped at my doorstep and I let out an exhausted sigh from all the walking. I've got to stop wearing heels for these parties because I swear one day my feet will snap off and run away from me. Yet knowing me if music started playing right now no amount of exhaustion would keep me from dancing. When I gazed over at Valerie I almost scoffed at how unaffected she is. Her hair is still intact, there is not a bead of sweat on her face while my face looks like I've been walking in the rain and she doesn't even seem the least bit tired.

What's her secret?

"Valerie are you safe walking back on your own?" I asked concerned unable to stop my eyes from overlooking the empty street.

"Daylight is literally around the corner so no killer will by jumping out at me with the birds chirping." She replied.

Killer... Why does that word make me shiver? Oh right because I slept with a killer beast last night.

Ignoring how that sounds...

"OK but I still have something to tell you." I sighed. This is it I have to tell someone that is going to understand me not matter how insane I may sound.

"What is it?" She asked suddenly worried at the drop of my voice. I just need to go ahead and say it. She of all people will believe me, she'll probably slap me upside the head but I don't care at least she'll believe me.

"I found the wolf last night." She didn't say anything but her eyes said it all and I kept going. "I went out to kill him like I said I would."

Silence and a glare at my door. What did my door do?

"After we told you not to." She replied still glaring at my door as if staring at me in the eye repulsed her.

"Valerie he was out to kill! He's already gotten my brother... I was blinded by my rage..." She suddenly muttered to herself making me freeze up in surprise. "Bloody bastard."


She flicked her head to flip her fringe off her eye and finally stared at me but intently at me. "Luna you did a foolish thing that could have costed your life. What were you thinking?" I hate disappointing her, she's like a second mother or the queen. Someone you willingly don't want to displease because she just brings that out if you, you just want to be seen as the light in her eyes.

"I was smart about it." I defended. I did have a knife! I lost it but at least I had some smarts to bring one...

Oh I am hopeless.

"When we talked about someone killing that monster that wasn't a hint for you to go out yourself." She seethed.

"If I didn't go he would have killed more people possibly my grandparents so I don't regret anything. And Valerie I didn't die, he chose not to kill me so maybe next month when I see him again..."

"Wow now wait a second you're going again!? Did he tell you to?"

I'm getting more and more frustrated I mean what does she mean did he tell me? I don't maybe people would assume that the beast could speak. "Yes...? How do you know he spoke to me?"

She ignored the question. "Luna. You're being played, he's not like all the other wolves out there."

Other wolves? Other... More wolves?

"Valerie you're confusing me." Not to mention scaring me. How would she know about this?

"Luna do you even know who he is?"

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