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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos



I feel sick.

I stood up a little too fast for my body to handle so I swayed a little as I walked. When did I become so weak? The heat, the vision now weakening body? "Wow there Luna." Curtis reached out to get me but I ducked away trying to take calming breaths.

"Don't treat me like a horse." I said opening the door. I touched my face finding my mask missing. "Where's my mask?" I turned and watched Sam holding the mask in his hand. He is glaring at my face, at the wound on my cheek and I instinctively reached up to hide it. I mentally groaned annoyed that out of all the people in the world to see me cut and pathetic it had to be these two. Anyone else will take in my lies as truths but definitely not these two insufferable men. They're not dense enough to fall for it also one of them cares too much about my health and that one is most definitely not the bad wolf glowering at me.

He noticed my unhappy stare. His brow perked. "Luna...?"

"Not the time Sam." Monster. If the dream is true, he is a monster. I quickly grabbed the mask and started speed walking down the corridor tying it back up.

Sam caught up with me in big easy strides. A shiver crawled up my spine at the idea of him being so epically fast. "What is going on?"

"Go away." I whispered.

"No. I heard you." He grabbed my wrist and the heat of his skin burn mine.

I ripped my wrist away stunned. "Heard me what?"

"You said," he paused and glared at Curtis. He had followed us with a hand behind his back. Sam didn't seem to notice but I could practically sense the threat. "Do you mind?"

"Luna are you alright?" Curtis ignored him. He means: am I safe? Am I safe with the possible psycho killer?

'You said Alpha.' Sam continued with lips not moving but glaring intently in my eyes.

"I didn't say anything and step back Mr Night."

"Stop calling me that." He grabbed my wrist again losing a bit of his control.

"Let go of me."

"What's wrong with you?"

"Mr Night unhand her!" Curtis flew forward but I shook my head at him.

"Both of you just leave me alone." I stomped my heel on Sam's foot and he cried out loosening his grip. I lifted my skirt and started running down the corridor.

"Luna wait!" I don't know which one of them yelled out and I didn't turn around to find out which one or if both followed me. I hope neither but that's never going to happen. I have to find the spot of where they were killed.

I crossed a crowded living room and some old woman called out to me. "Play for us lady Mystique."

"Pardon?" I replied and stared wearily at the man at the piano. I don't have time for this.

"Oh please I'd recognise that awkward manly walk anywhere." The old woman cackled and her unfriendly followers laughed with her.

"Oh." I bit my tongue and continued jogging outside pushing past dancers.

Marilyn bumped into me and stared surprised. "Luna why are you panting like a dog?"

"Uh..." I turned my head to see if Sam had followed. I'm correct, there he is standing like a God on the top of the stairs. His eyes spotted me and soon Curtis was next to him saying something to him that Sam must be ignoring. "Hold them back for a moment for me would you?"

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